I AM A NICE PERSON?... so say my sis's friends (Happen be4 the Homecoming Rally!!!

So, this also happy on the homecoming event day. It was like before Homecoming Rally, and all the homecoming people were practicing the dance for the rally. I was at home and my sis call me to ask me to go down to Dimsum (a food place) to get her some milk tea. I was like no i don't want to. But she kept whining so I got sick of it and decided to walk to Dimsum (since I can't drive yet) and get her some milk tea. The only reason I decided to go though was becasue I had to go back to school later at 3:30 for this VSU (Viet Student Union) thing. ANyway, she ask me to buy 8 milktea, becasue her friends wants some too, and she said she pay me back so yea. Anyway, I bought 10 becasue the other 2 was one for me and one for my friends, I also stop by to buy a bag of chips. Anyway, it took me about 30 mins to walk to school from Dimsum becasue I am a slow walker becasue i am short and therefore have short legs, and 2 becasue I was carrying a box of milktea, so yea I would walk slow becasue it's heavy. Anyway, I finally got there at school, and went to the football field becasue that's where they are practicing. When I got to the place like I barely reach there and I think my sis saw me because suddenly I say my sis and a whole bunch of other ppl running up to me. They were all thanking me and trying to help me carry the food. Then we finally got to the football field and yea I started collecting my money from them, and I felt like being mean to my sis (since I am a evil sis teehee) and said to her, "Since I am such a y person, I felt like I shouldn;t have done this. I mean I am a pmsing right?" yea I said tat becasue I was holding a grudge from yesterday on how she call me a PMSing just because I tolod her to wash her own dish or mommy will yea. So, yea I am a person who hold grudges, better watch out. teehee. ANyway, she started dening and stuff and saying how she loves me and all and she was just saying that yesterday on a spur of the moment. Anyway, after me and her finish bickering, I was just gonna grab my 2 milktea and leave to my VSU practice when this girl just came up and hug me. And i was like "Who? Do I know you" and she was shorter than me and said "No, but I know u. Ur vivian's sis. Ur so nice" I was like okay, and I wanted her to let go of the hug. Don't get me wrong, I like hugs, but not when I am sweating from all the walking and the sun making me sweat, and she's all sweating from all the dance practice. So, yea, I wasn't comfortable with hugging her, and I was kind of weird out. I mean, I barely know the girl or even talk to her before, and she just come up and hug me. It's kind of weird you know? Anywa, after a while when I said I have to leave for my VSU practice she finally let me go and I got to leave for practice.

Anyway, skipping to what happen after the rally, if you want to read about what happen at the rally then here's the link to that story:


Anyway, when I got home, me and my sis started talking like we always do, like about what happen about our days and all. Like you know share your feelings and did something interesting happen or anything. Yeah, even though me and my sis fights like cat and dogs, but we know a lot about each other becasue we love talking about ourselves.... okay I feel like such a narssictic person with a big ego. teehee. ANywa, I decided to ask her about her little friend who just came up to hug me, when I barely knew her, and I told her tat it was kind of weird. And she was confuse and ask me" I thought you like hugs. b/c when u bought the drink to us she was thankful and she wanted to hug you, and ask me if u like hugs so I said yes." And i guess tat was the answer to my confusion. And I guess she learn somehting knew about me, it was that I DO like HUGs, but I am the type of person who likes giving hus, not reciving hugs. I don't knwo, but yea, that's just the way I am. I LOVE giving hugs, but I guess I am okay with RECIEVING HUGS.

Anyway, my sis was all complaining how her friend were blind becasue they all said I was SO nice, unlike her. ANd truth be told I was surprise too, becasue I didn't expect them to think I am NICE. I expect them to think I am y since I was just PMSing and bickering with my sis, and they were right there. So, i thought they would have a negative opinion of me, not that I care since ppl usually have a bad first impression of me like I am annoying and mean and all. Anway, my sis was complaing how her friends said, "Vivian, how come you're sister is so kind and nice, and you're like THIS" as she said that I crack up and she sak why, and I told her it's becasue my friend usually say the same thing when they meet my sister, they would say, "Vicky, how come you're sister is so cool, and you're like THIS". When they say by THIS my frieneds meant my personality like how I am so clingy and all.

See, my sis is the opppisite of me, she have that big sister feeling (you know, that feeling you get about someone like they must be a big sister because they seems like they are use to taking care of people)  even though I am the big sister, and while people say, mostly my friends, that I have a little sister feeling becasue it seems like I can't take care of myself and they have to take care of me or else something bad will happen to me.... even though I am OLDER than all my friends, well some of them, only 2 of my friends are older than me, and the other 6 are younger than me becasue they are the 96 baby, while I am a 95-baby. Even though one more day and I would have been a 96-baby too, becasue I am born on December 31.

ANyway, it was kind of weird hearing my sis's friend say I am nice, becasue I know I am not really a nice person. I'm like a regular person that can be evil and nice. Her friend talk about me like I was some angel, which was weird since I am definetly NOT that NICE. Anyway, yea, so this was what happen


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