Today I went to the airport to meet Jay, I went pretty early since I live near there.

I met an Unnie and became friends with her quick since we were both alone.

She offered to take my polaroid camera and take photos for me. Turns out Jay recognises her.

Then we waited there, and after a long time, he finally came out.

We started screaming. "PARK JAEBEOM!" "JAY I LOVE YOU."

He walked down, and signed one of the fans notebook.

When he walked towards us, he stopped right infront of us and looked at me and my Unnie.

WE WERE LIKE O.O and didn't take photos because we were to shocked.

Then he did a hand signal at my Unnie and then walked somemore.

We ran out of the airport, and somehow I ended up infront of the car door.

The door wasn't closed so I said "JAY I LOVE YOU" I waved at him.

Then I shouted "HAVE FUN IN SINGAPORE JAY! Love you!" and he waved at me.

So I waved back and shouted "BYE JAY!" and the door closed and I just kept waving until they drove off.


Yep, having withdrawal because Eye Contact.

Turns out my Unnie took 3 polaroids using my camera. One of them had direct eye contact.



When he stopped infront of us and before he looked at me and my Unnie.

Before he got into the car (my digital camera) MY HAND WAS SHAKING FROM FEELS.

I gave the other of the 3 polaroids to my Unnie to thank her for snapping the AWESOME EYE CONTACT PHOTO.


Since tomorrow is a private event, my Unnie won tickets, and she took my notebook and said she would try to get him to sign it for me at the event.

Dying. Dying. Dying. OKAY I NEED TO STOP.





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I'm so jealous ㅠㅠ