Dinner is Served


Hello there! It is I, BLAQjack! And I'm happy to announce to the few people reading this that I have just posted my new story, Dinner is Served! It's a two-shot, and it's kind of creepy. Basic summary is that Dara is a little crazy in the head, and Jiyong is just unlucky enough to fall victim to her insanity.

It's marked "Mature" because it's a little gory/bloody, but there's nothing ual. Sorry if that disappoints you. :3

I'll be posting the two chapters tomorrow and the following day, to kind of space out the updates. I like to edit my chapters right before I post them, so updating takes more time than it could...

Thank you so much to MissTangerine and SylvrDragon for collaborating and writing a series of one-shots called Kwon Jiyong Must Die. The one-shots they wrote, mainly Ninety-Four, led to my delusional mind creating this idea. It actually takes kind-of-ish-a-lot from the one-shots...I'M SORRY! Their writing was too good! D:

But yeah, please check out that fanfic, as well as the two very talented authors! If you want to read Dinner is Served, please click below :)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy reading it :D







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