How I think B.A.P sleep


(((This is only my personal opinion if you disagree that's totally fine I'd actually love to hear what others views of how they sleep are haha I only done this because I was bored so yeah^^ feel free to comment what your thoughts are and yeah or not haha)))
Bang Yong Guk - peaceful sleeper, listens to music, soft calms breaths, occasionally aloud exhale, sleeps facing the wall or on his stomach with his head buried in the pillow. A deep sleeper but quite easily awoken if done right. Sleeps with no top on or in a hoodie.
Kim Him Chan -  a deep sleeper, quite stubborn when it is time to be woken up. Sleeps with the blankets over his head to hide his bare face. Tosses and turns quite a bit. Sleeps with mask on his eyes. A dribbler. Sleeps I his stomach hugging the pillow. Sleeps in a shirt on and pj pants.
Jung Dae Hyun - stays quite still when he sleeps. Sleeps with his mask on. Listens to music. Reasonably easy to wake up, but puts up a fight. Breaths normally but sometimes it does get loud when it is cold or he is sick. Probably sleeps on his back or side or varys. Sleeps with top off or wife beater.
Yoo Young Jae - lite snorer, sleeps on his stomach with his head turned to one side or lays on his side. Listens to music. Turns a bit but not as much as himchan. Is the second hardest to get up after himchan. Goes to the bathroom at least twice during the night. Wears a mask on his eyes. Sleeps in a shirt and shorts
Moon Jong Up - sleeps with top off or wife beater. Sleeps with a mask over his mouth. Sleeps facing the wall or on his stomach. Snores softly but can occasionally get loud. Wakes up quite easily but won't completely wake up until about an hour then realise what is going on. 
Choi Zelo - snores. Varys on some days. Sleeps in a shirt and long pants. Wake up easily but doesn't like to get up until someone like yongguk tells him it's time to wash up. Quite a peaceful sleeper, doesn't mover around much. Sleeps on his side or back. Spreads arms and legs out seeming he is so tall he cramps up when stuck in small positions. Sleep talks and maybe sleep walks.


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