"Playing With Fire" Recovery Tea

Courtesy of Adagio Teas,
a Signature Blend coined Playing With Fire Recovery has been created and is available for order now!

PWFR is a calming blend of loose lemon grass, chamomile and ginger herbs
crafted for only the loyal readers of Playing With Fire
to help calm those fangirl feels.

Now available in 10 oz pouch.

6 oz tin coming soon!

Order Here


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omglol I thought you were kidding :)) but it's legit. I would seriously order this if I had ways of paying overseas/online (but then if I had, I would be broke because of albums).... I love teas...I still have boxes and boxes at home... but I seriously need this in my life because it's the first time anyone used my design for things like this :)))
I would get it, but I dun have no money -_-
LOL, omg is this like legit? XD