

I’m a peace lover, not a hater.

I smile to everyone and I like to be kind.

Unlike you, I don’t have any hidden motive when I’m being nice.

Don’t misunderstand, don’t put hope on me.

You might be wondering about my private life, but I don’t like talking about it to just anyone. I have the right to remain silence, right?

Stop pondering any longer. When I act cold, when you can’t read my expression; they simply mean I want you to stop.

I don’t want to be mean, I don’t like to show scorn on my face because I don’t wish to be seen as one. Am I wrong?

We’re friends, right? I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want us to become awkward. Why are you burdening me with those thoughts of yours?

There you go. This is my answer.



Hello! This is actually a drabble based on a song by Primary - ? (Question Mark) feat. Choiza and Zion. T. The song talks about a guy who is confused about a girl who gives him mixed signals. He thinks she's very hard to read because she's always expressionless and doesn't answer when he asked about 'the ring on your finger'. I think it's easy to label this kind of girl as being sly or mean but maybe she has her own reasons ;)




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nice one...I almost thot its your own
and btw I freakin love that song!! Zion.T voice is so smooth..almost had all his songs..with primary and infinite H too!

I've enjoyed the drabble, it speaks directly without taking turns or having hidden meanings ^^ And yes, the girl probably has her reasons, and that's that; it's her private matter ^^