YONGHWA and JONGHYUN's Producer Room in FNC (?)

Have you read "Let's Snoop FNC New Office Building"? If not yet, then go to read. The news said that FNC have 9 producers' room at 3rd room. Two out of nine rooms are for Yonghwa and Jonghyun. That's cool, right? As the composers, they have the right to have their own rooms. kkk~ They have their own rooms (I think) because CNBLUE earned 330 billion last year!! That's great, huh?

Do you want to know about their rooms? Let's peek!

Yonghwa's Room

Jonghyun's Room


Cool, right? But... I'm not sure if it's the producers' room of them or their own room in their dorm.

The first time I saw these pictures, I thought those are their bedroom. But, after I read the news about FNC New Building just now, I think it's better to be told that those are their own office in FNC. :P

What do you think? Are they their bed room or their office?

photo cr: @CNBLUE_4


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ButterflyShida #1
wah cool room!
Where did you get their income for 2012..?