Kang Sora, I envy you

So recently, on a whim I decied to watch Dream high 2. Why on a whim? Well I had pushed it of for ever because I didnt think it could possibly amount to dream high. And though it cant, I realize its a pretty good series in itself and that the first one was just something so grund breaking, that well. It was impossible anyway. 


but thats besides the point 

So, today I was listening to JB's cover of when I cant sing, cause I just watched that ep last night (ep 8). 

The I saw a comment calling him JB/Im Jaebum, so I was like oh, is that his real name? So I googled him. Then I found out him, and the dancer dude, where both in JJ Project, a shock to me compltly. But rest assure, a pleasant one hehe.

ANYWAY, so after that I saw one of their vids, and there was a couple vid that said Kang Sora x Im Jaebum. And I was like




WAIT, isnt that Teukie's wife???


So then I googled her, and she is not only, in one of, no, my all time favorite Korean movie(s) (Sunny), but she is also just plain old adorable!


So, in dream high2 alone (which I just love her in), she was had both Jinwoon, and JB (I havent finished the drama so dont tell me who she ends up with). Then she was on WGM with Teukie, and she was in my fave Kor movie, and and and Kya! I officially love her now,  I shall definentally watch the dimple couple! (TeukSora), but srsly! I envy that girl!!!!


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I envy her for WGM!! And that was enough for me! lol :p but yes she is a good actress and A good person too! and I'll start watching the Teuk Sora couple soon too~ :D