wat someone else blogged so im just reposting


I've read on many blogs about the blocking of Music Video's in other countries. I think fans just misunderstood it. 

Here I copied one of the post from SMEnt.EXO's post:

Basing on a post from gurupop..
For example on CUBE Ent's case, It's because most of CUBE's artists are signed with Universal Music Group who has the publishing rights for these artists worldwide except Korea.

The videos are available on Youtube on for example 4minute's vevo account which is handled by UMG. International fans are supposed to watch them there so that UMG are the ones getting paid by youtube for the views.

Some of you will probably ask about the other artists who don't have VEVO and some of the countries like Canada & America are blocked from viewing their (4minute's vevo) channel. 

You might wanna read this post to help clear things up because it's confusing me as well LOL.
LINK: http://www.gurupop.com/post/177493


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I still can't watch any CUBE artist's VEVo channels. =(
Their videos are now unblocked on their official youtube channel. So i think they were having technical problems, they're still working on it for the people that are still having problems trying to watch the videos~