Another dose of KYU..


My Special Connection with Kyu...




Annyeong to the happy world of beautiful flowers boys.

How are all you guys? Okay? bummed? Waiting?

As for me, the typhoon that hit the Philippines has left the area, its all about the sun now here. the typhoon was pretty strong, and some parts of Manila are hit more so than others. Luckily in my side of the world, it didn't really leave any lasting damage. But I still wish, hope and pray that everyone recovers from this calamity.

Anyway I kinda ranted a wee bit about Kyu the previous post. and This time I will be blogging about him again. But don't fret, this time this is no rant. Its just pure sharing about a very well written article on KYU.

But before that, remember my previous post, I wrote this:


Finally the circle was complete. JungMin, HyungJun, YoungSaeng, HyunJoong and KyuJong. all my boys were now definitely walking in the path of individual progress. 

I know that most fans want them together, but personally I like it that each has a thing that they are doing on their own right now. They are working for their personal growth. I highly approve.

I think they each need to grow and learn and experience somethings on their own before they could come back together and come back stronger, as SS501.

The article states what Kyu thinks of his debut and coming back together as SS501. and so Happy cause, he thinks like me. This new interview/article shows that KYU and I have this very special connection, cause we are thinking in the same wavelength...












[Interview] Kim Kyu Jong - Interview with Newsen [28.09.11]


credits: + (English translation)
Re-post with full credits.

Kim Kyu Jong has debuted as a solo. While his SS501 members were carrying out their solo activities, Kim Kyu Jong was instead collating his experiences through the broadway stage, and thus, has became the final one in SS501 to hold a solo debut


He said, “it wasn’t intended like that initially”, and was referring to it not being his original intention to become the final one to hold a solo debut. “I did not have that thought at all, but somehow I still became the final relayer. To be honest I had thought Youngsaeng-hyung would be the fastest to release an album, so I really didn’t expect all the others to release theirs that fast at that speed”…, as he laughed and talked about it.

“The members who released their albums before me began to do really well as they progressed, and burden came to me too. Of course if my album would turn out great will be best, but because my role in the team is to balance the team well with everyone equally-weighted, it will just be enough if people will think that ‘Kim Kyu Jong is actually quite a not-bad person(singer)’, rather than me becoming a shocking hit with my solo debut…”, disclosing his modest yet determined aim.

“As I await for our SS501 album where we shall re-unite anytime, I also want to end this solo debut off well”, as Kim Kyu Jong also disclosed that SS501 is not an end for him, but instead is a name with new challenges ahead to attain for. “All of us have the thought to do a SS501 album together. For now, to speak honestly, it is still difficult. All of us have the heart and intention to do so, but right now, it’s the period to focus more on our individual work”, as he explained.

“To be honest, there were alot of talks about SS501. Alot of talks like how there was only Kim Hyun Joong enough in SS501, etc.. Hyunjoong-hyung, as well as our other members were very hurt”…, “As we do our individual activities, we also build up experiences, and then one day when we re-unite, those experiences we gained will then become a strong strength. In that case then, we won’t be over-covering anyone at all, and every one will be equal. With such thoughts in mind, we will hence turn to put in more effort to work harder”, as he divulged his inner feelings.
“Though we’re all very busy, there is some things I really want to do. The first will be for each of us to release each of our album every year. And then on year-end concerts or big festivals, each of us will sing our own parts, plus also a few verses of our past solo songs combined together; I think it would be so fun”, as Kim Kyu Jong seemed to really enjoy planning such plans in his mind.


He continued, “Actually we have always been the same (friendship). Not long ago, I went to Hyung Jun’s birthday party, but people were all saying that it was done deliberately to not call me over. I think it’s because we’re too close that misunderstandings will surface. Even in Youngsaeng-hyung’s case, we actually meet up very often, but many people still ask us ‘are you two not close?’… This is not something to be vague about, if you are close to someone, must you actually really act close by greeting one another and such?”, as he displayed his neverchanging friendship with s.

In particular, Heo Young Saeng even made a rendering support by doing a rap featuring in one of Kyu Jong’s song ‘MY LOVE’. Kyu Jong explained, “Because I wanted it to become memories so I specially requested for him to do it, but he fretted and didn’t know how to do rap because he thought he couldn’t. But in the end it turned out really well. Besides the instrument sound, the rap part had turned out with all but Youngsaeng-hyung’s own voice”, as he felt so satisfied by saying that.

Kim Kyu Jong who has shown his deep affections for s and his group has returned with his 1st solo album ‘’. In which his title song ‘YESTERDAY’ was produced by the hit producer Han Sang-won who had also produced SS501′s hit song ‘U R MAN’. As the title song progresses toward the end, deeper feelings were expressed. This title song ‘YESTERDAY’ may be similar to ‘U R MAN’, but it is also very obvious that it has a different trait to it, and will be sure to appeal towards the music fans in another different manner.





another article I want to share is this:

[Trans] Excerpts from Kyu Jong's Interview with StarNews & TVDaily


korean to English" Ode/
Quoted from: STAR NEWS
Interview page:
Interview date: 26th Sept (Monday)
1) SS501 멤버들의 고마움도 잊지 않았다.
김규종은 "형준이는 녹음실에 놀러 왔을 때, 현중이형은 밖에서 만났을 때 제 노래를 들려줬다"라며 "같은 소속사인 영생이형은 이번 앨범 수록곡인 '마이 러브'의 랩 피처링까지 해줬다"라며 미소 지었다.
이어 "정민이는 대만에 있어 못 들려 줬지만 언제나 저를 응원해 주고 있다"라며 "다들 '혼자 활동 하는 게 생각보다 힘들지만 기죽지 말고 멋지게 활동하라'라고 힘을 불어 넣어줬다"라며 웃었다. 

1) He did not forget about his gratitude for his SS501 members too.

Kim Kyu Jong said, "When Hyung Jun came to my recording room for a visit, I had let him listen to my song. Also, when I met up with Hyun Joong-hyung outside somewhere, I had let him listen to my song too", "Even Young Saeng-hyung who's in the same agency as I am made a rap featuring in one of my song 'MY LOVE'", as he spread a wide smile across his face while speaking of that.

"Jungmin is in Taiwan, so I couldn't let him hear my song then, but no matter when, he's always been showing support to me", "All of us have always been saying this, 'though it's alot tougher doing activities on your own than you can think, don't be beaten by it; brace yourself and let's do it awesomely', and this has given me alot of strength and encouragement", as Kyu Jong added.
2) 김규종은 구체적인 형식과 방법에는 조심스런 입장을 보이면서도, "SS501 멤버들은 현재 개인 활동에 집중하고 있지만 내년께는 뭉칠 수도 있을 것"이라고 말했다.

2) With a concrete format and method in mind, Kim Kyu Jong shows his careful and detailed stand, though so, he didn't forget to add that "SS501 will be able to re-unite next year even though all of us are focusing heavily on our solo activities for now".
Quoted from: TV DAILY
Interview page:
Interview date: 26th Sept (Monday)
"제가 그 동안 약하고 소극적인 모습을 보여드렸던 것 같아요. 이번 앨범에는 이제 그런 모습을 탈피(emerge)하고 앞으로 나오자는 뜻이 담겨있어요."

"All these while, it seemed like I've only been showing a weak and pessimistic side of mine. However through this time's album, I will emerge from that kind of old profile of mine and be anew. This album has such a meaning".

"여장을 하면서 고민도 많았어요. 팬들 반응도 걱정됐고요. 그런데 화장을 해보니 '여자분들이 정말 힘들겠구나' 생각했어요. 눈썹이 왜 그렇게 무거워요?"

"When we decided to do female dressing, in actuality I had worried alot. About how fans would react to that. However, as I was doing the make-up in midst, I thought that it must have been a really tough and difficult thing on women... Why are the eyelashes this heavy?"
-- but still I wonder why did you let them do that to you KYU...? WHY do the female dressing? - czak

그 당시에는 라이벌 구도가 뚜렷해서 1등을 하지 못하면 곧 진다는 생각이 있었거든요. 지금은 그런 압박감을 벗어났어요. '즐기면서 하자'는 마음이에요. 1등이요? 하고 싶죠. 그런데 안 해도 돼요" (웃음)

"At that time (when we debuted in 2005), the way of functioning in showbiz between your rivals and you was very stark. If you don't get No.1, you lose - there was such thinking. But now, I've thrown aside that kind of enclosement thoughts. What I feel now, is a 'Do it enjoyingly' mind and heart. No.1? Of course will hope for it. But even if it won't happen it will suffice too (laughs)".

"이번 노래는 한 번에 듣고 '대박 이 노래 좋아' 이런 곡은 아닌 것 같아요. 제가 노래를 듣고 안무를 맞추며 계속 들었는데 안 질려요. 많은 사람들의 귓가에 맴돌았으면 좋겠어요. 안무도 멜빵을 이용해서 춤춰요. 재미있을 거 에요."

"This time's song doesn't seem like the kind of song where you will think 'This song rocks, it's so lovely' upon hearing it only once. I had been listening to this song continuously since I had to dance the MV for it, but I didn't get bored over it. I hope that this song would revolve around many people's ears... I even used suspenders to hold my trousers while I dance... It's interesting".

"쫓기지 말고 재미있게 활동하려고요. 일등이 아니라고 슬퍼하면서 욕심 부리지 않을 거 에요. 나중에 시간 지나서 '아 그 노래 좋았는데'라고 생각해 주신다면 만족해요."

"Not to chase after anything/anyone, but will just carry out my activities happily and enjoyingly. Even if I don't get No.1, I won't get sad over it and thus affect my desire. So long as after some time, people think back of this song and say 'Ah I liked that song you know'... will suffice. I'll be satisfied enough".

"곡 작업에 욕심이 있죠. 아직 제가 노래를 만들어서 음반에 싣기에는 부족한 걸 알아요."

"I do have ambition in song composition. Though I also know I'm still lacking alot if I will have to create a songpiece by myself to qualify into an album"...

"SS501로 첫 데뷔무대를 가졌을 때 많이 속상했어요. 제 파트가 적어서 '내가 팀에 도움이 안 되나'라는 생각이 들었죠. 

"When I first held my debut stage as SS501, I was very hurt. Because my part was real little, I had the thinking, 'am I not of enough help to my team?'"...

"일본 팬 분들이 동방신기 유노윤호가 했던 역을 제가 한다고 하니까 저까지 높게 평가해 주셨어요. 제가 후배니까 당연히 고맙고, 기분 좋았죠." 

"Because I was taking on a role where DBSK's U-Know Yunho had done before, so Japanese fans gave enough encouragement by giving high ratings. Of course, since I am a junior, I definitely feel grateful and felt great too".

공연 팀끼리 청평에 엠티를 다녀왔어요. 처음에는 제가 팀과 잘 못 어울릴 줄 알았어요. 베테랑 연기자 분도 계시니까 저를 싫어할 수도 있겠다 싶었는데, 그게 아니었어요. 좋은 말씀을 정말 많이 해 주세요. 여긴 너무 따뜻해요." 

"Our musical play team had went for a Membership Training trip to Chungpyeong... At first I thought that I definitely won't mix too well with my team members... There were even veteran actors, and they may jolly well dislike me too... but it didn't turn out that way in the end. They in fact gave me alot of good advices. It is really heart-warming...".

"연말에는 한국에서 앨범, 드라마 촬영 등 활동을 계속 할 예정이에요. 또 일본에서 있을 뮤지컬 '궁' 앵콜 공연, 일본 팬미팅, 아시아 투어를 할 생각입니다."

"Year-end plans will include album activities and drama shooting in Korea. In addition, I also have plans to do the Musical Goong Encore in Japan (Tokyo), a fanmeeting in Japan, as well as an Asia Tour".


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butterfly555 #1
got to love kyu especially ss501 ><
Ye, love Kyu and SS501!

Prince Kyu! Hwaiting!