Day 6: Sleep


Sometimes at night, my body shakes
It's terrible
These tremors 
They just keep coming 
Flashes of heat and it all goes black
It's terrible 
These tremors
Another unescapable nightmare 
It's terrible 
Every corner I turn, there's another terror awaiting me
There's no way out until I awake
And these tremors
Insomnia is my favorite drug
Though, after a while it makes the world spin 
Soon I must sleep and then wake again in the night
It's terrible
These tremors
Can't fight myself 
It's terrible 
Every night 
Over and over 
These tremors
When will they stop?
When will I rest?
These tremors
It's terrible
Not much to say on this one. It's a little darker, more repetitive, but that's pretty much it. 


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Hmm. It seems kind of gothic, but at the same time- this kind of applies to my life O.o

Of course, i don't often have nightmares, but my room is freezing (especially in the winter) and I usually stay up really late (like I am now) so then when I try to go to sleep all the cold just kinda bites me and i start shivering until the heat collected under my blanket warms me up.

Okay yeah this comment was probably highly unnecessary. Just a little fun fact I guess :P IDK i liked the repetitiveness (but that's because i have a thing for motifs and little things like that).