Obsessed and Depressed

Yo, readers!


What's up? How are you guys? 


Lately, I've been watching Desperate Housewives. I am so obsessed with it now! It's so awesome. there are over 100 episodes too, eeeep! 

It's so awesome, and just amazing. Gabby is my favorite, eh he. 



She is so adorable XD I love her, yo. Like, as much as I love Taengoo :D


I'm depressed though. I had 3 tests today, and I think I failed them. I'm rather depressed, I feel like sulking forever... But, SNSD and Desperate Housewives keeps me a happy camper. I'm so dead. I need to bring up my grades now orz

I mean, I don't expect them to drop to B's, but they're probably drop to low A's. Curses.


There's this girl in my class and she's a big fake/jerk. I wish she would stop being stupid. The End.


Bye gays.


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I wish i had low a's. you're fine, your grades are awesome!
and gah yes desperate housewives is soooo entertaining, right? are you far in, or have you just watched the beginning? i havent watched in a while but i know the first few seasons pretty well ;)