EXO List

Scenario indicates that there's 'you' in the story, if not then it's members-only.

the stuff in the () is organized by what type of story, member (if applicable), rating, and genre.


Eternally Lost (drabble collection, PG/PG-13, slight romance/angst)
Hypothetical EXO Confessions (scenario collection, PG, romance/fluff)
Everybody Hates Kris (scenario collection, PG/PG-13, romace/crack)
EXO-K Scenarios (scenario collection, G/PG-13, various)
Number 218 (scenario, Suho, PG, romance/angst)
Of Mochas And Meddling Friends (scenario, Suho, PG, romance/fluff)
EXO-M Scenarios (scenario collection, G/PG-13, various)
Scars (scenario, Kris, PG-13, romance/drama)
Double Deceit (chaptered scenario, Kris, PG-13, romance/drama)
Baby Don't Cry, Tonight (scenario, Chen, PG, romance/angst)
Shards (scenario, Luhan, PG/PG-13, romance/angst)
I Need You to Stay (fourshot(?)scenario, Chen, PG, romance)
Welcome to the Black Paradise (scenario, Luhan, PG-13, angst/horror)
Young Love (scenario, Suho, PG-13, angst/romance)



When EXO Switched Leaders (chaptered, PG/PG-13, crack)
Careless, Heartless, Mindless, NO MERCY! (chaptered, B.A.P and EXO, PG/PG-13, crack, coauthored with hamSamizzle)
Not Blonde or Curvaceous, But I Suppose That's Alright (oneshot, TaoRis, PG-13, romance)
Not A Unicorn Believer, But I Suppose That's Alright (oneshot, SuLay, PG-13, romance)
Not Always A Guy, But I Suppose That's Alright (oneshot, HunHan, PG-13, romance/crack)
Not The Best Of Professions, But I Suppose That's Alright (oneshot, BaekYeol, PG-13, romance/crack)
Not Exactly the Best Way to Look for A Boyfriend, But I Suppose That's Alright (oneshot, KaiSoo, PG-13, romance/crack)
EXO Death Note (chaptered, PG-13, drama)
EXO Crackfic Dump (oneshot collection, PG/PG-13, crack)
EXO Leader Drabbles (oneshot collection, PG/PG-13, crack)
Hands (twoshot, KrisYeol, R, fail!fluff/crack/crack!)
I Can't Stop Thinking About You (oneshot, SuLay, R, )
Suho and Chen and the Broken Beds (oneshot, SuChen, PG-13, crack)
This is What Happens When You Put Exo in Manga (oneshot collection, various pairings, NC-17, )
Things I've Never Said (oneshot, onesided!SuChen, PG-13, angst/romance)
From Dark Into Light (oneshot, broken!TaoHun, KrisHun, PG-13, angst/romance)
Drop The Carpets and Crank the Yehet (oneshot, TaoHun, PG-13, crack/slight!romance)

It's Okay to Say Goodbye (oneshot(?), KaiSoo/SuDo, PG-13, angst/romance)
Seriously (oneshot, Suho, PG-13, angst)
Eternal Night (oneshot, SeKai, PG-13, angst/romance)

Flashing Snowflakes (oneshot, Xiumin, PG, inspirational(?)
Push Me Until I Fall, Bend Me Until I Break (oneshot, Luhan, PG-13, angst)
Forgotten (threeshot, Chen, PG-13, angst)
Kris Wu, Proud Alpaca Daddy (oneshot, Kris and alpaca!Amber, PG, crack)
Bring Me Back to Me (oneshot, Kris, PG, angst)
Inadequacy (twoshot, TaoRis, PG-13, angst/romance)
Till the Day We Die (oneshot, XiuHan, PG/PG-13, romance)
Trying to Get to You (twoshot, XiuHan, PG-13, angst/romance)
You'll Shoot His Eye Out! (chaptered, Krispy Lays, PG-13, romance/crack/fluff)
Stupid Stupid Kris (oneshot, TaoRis, PG-13, romance)
Holding On (And Letting Go) (twoshot, Krispy Lays, PG-13, angst/romance)
DTF (oneshot, XiuHan, R, )
When I Had the Chance (oneshot, broken!XiuHan, PG-13, angst)
Limits (chaptered, XiuHan, PG-13, angst/romance)
If I Lose You (oneshot, broken!XiuHan, PG-13, angst/romance)
Alone in a Crowd (drabble, Luhan, PG-13, angst)
#team himseok (chaptered, HimSeok, PG-13, crack)
The Chinese-Canadian Problem (oneshot, XiuRis, PG-13, crack/romance/fluff)
Dignity or Destruction (oneshot, XiuHan, PG-13, angst/romance)


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