Hi! Keke, tis Hyukie again! I hav a feeling u'll be hearing a lot of me now tht I hav my dongsaengs password. "Shinyeong" has been attempting to explain wat roleplaying is, she spent almost two hours trying to b4 she shooed me back to my place cuz she has to study.... she's still studying now. So! I took it upon myself to research it myself, I still don't get it. SO please! Someone explain to me what roleplaying is, what u have to do while rp-ing, and wht is its purpose??? PLEASE? -- Yours truly, Jae Hyuk


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Shinyeongsmiles4you #1
Oh bcuz its fun to make her mad XD plus me and her hav always been a team, she counts on me to do wat she forgets to do, and/or correct her mistakes~ plus PLUS I dont nor do i want to make my own acc. ^^ y? does it bother u tht I use her acc? Heheh I don't check any of the convos she makes just incase ur wondering.
Lucky_Se7en #2
why do you keep going on her account?