A Zombie Survival Life Application


Profile Info: Hey~~ I'm PandaBo09... so yeah... um... yeah... please continue now!! 

Profile Name: PandaBo09

Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/67999

Character Info:

Name: [Doesn't have to be asian] Samantha Lee

Nickname: Rain (Sam for best friends and family)

Gender: female

Birthday: 9.september.1991

Birthpalce: LA, USA 

Age: [] 21-20

Personality: Her normal personality is quiet and reserved. She mostly goes by the motto 'Wise men speak they have something to say, Fools speak because they have to say something.' (-Seneca I belive) and keeps this even when she's around people she's very close to. She's also rather boy-ish, so she isn't the biggest fan of aegyo or cute clothes. She loves the rain (thus her nickname) and doesn't smile often, but when she does, everyone is always amazed by her beautiful smile and how it shines. When she's mad, she glars at everyone and talks in a very threatening tone that gives (most) people the shivers sothat they avoid her most of the time.
Depite the fact that she is quiet, mysteriouse and monotone, she's very very very loyal, trustwothy and she never breaks promises. Also when she's in a very good mood (or she's drunken something alcoholic) she gets very hyper and doesn't stop fidgiting (when she's drunken something she turns into a chatter box, but surprisingly she never spils a secret) or bouncing around. She also has a motherly instinct, so she tends to take care of everyone and make sure they are ok, at all times. Another thing is that she hates doing nothing while others are working around her, it really irritates her and she will ask everyone twice if they need help.
She belives in the right of freedom and being able to do what you want to if you really want to do it (i hope you get it) no matter if it's against the law or if other people think she's weird. She has a mind of her own and sometimes windes up lost in her thoughts sothat she zones out of reality until someone brings her back. She's also a bit affraid of being in a relationship, no because of past experiences, but because it's in her genes.
When she is insulted she'll usually let it pass (unless it's really bad, then she'll talk back), but when a freind is insulted, she'll attack without hesitation and won't stop untill the person 1. gives up and apologises (if he is able to) 2.the person is dead or if someone pulls her away. 
Another important point about her is that she says what she thinks. "Does this make me look fat?" Rain:"Yes." She doesn't believe that lying will help anything, so she'll just say the truth.
Oh, and she's trained in self defense and had some years in Kung Fu. 

Bio:  Born in LA to a Korean father and American mother and lived in Korea Town, so she is bilingual. Unfortunately her father died in an airplane accident when she was five and her mother went then into depression. Rain mainly stayed at a day care and kindergarden those day until her mother killed her self so that Rain was sent to an orphanage. During school she was trained in self defence, with basics of Karate and other martial arts. When she was about fourteen she started taking up Kung Fu, but only did it for about four years, because she was then kicked out of the orphanage, and joined a gang in K-Town (and lived with them) where she fought against other gangs and often did illegal things. After two years she left the gang, got a job, a small apartment but still walked the streets at night. (She wanted to prevent any young girls from getting molested and )

Body Marks: (Scrars, wounds, bruises, birthmarks,) Tattoo on the tip of her right pointing finger. It's an infinity sign. 

Height: 1.67m

Weight: 49~50kg

Cool Facts: She has many contacts to people in K-Town in LA and she can sense when people are lying or not. Geniuse (??) in math (and I in language..)

Right handed? Left Handed? Or  can you write with both hands?: Both hands. Learned it because she had her right hand broken for a month.





Looks: Pretty, nothing extreemly special about her features, but her fashion is special: She loves hoodies and clothes in dark colors, so she doesn't often wear bright colors or white. Very casual and doesn't like skirts or dresses.

Relationship: (Basically yes or no questions)

[You can make them up yourself or use a k-pop idol.]

Married?: nope

Single?: yup

Divorced?: nope (haha, devorced at 21!! That would be funny!)

Crushing?: (If so.On who?) (ONLY 1 ING CRUSH!!): Bang Youngguk, but she doesn't want to believe she is.

Dating?: nope, but inwardly hopes to date Youngguk.

Engaged: nope

To who?: (On any of these) no one...

How you met: went to the same school and were in the same maths class he was also one of the best maths students so they had a little rivalry for a year, but got to know each other by doing advanced problems while everyone else were still trying to understand the subject. (Nerdy love~ >.<)

Would you like them in the story?: hell yeah!


What k-pop groups do you want in the story?: B.A.P, Super Junior/SHINee, 2NE1, Infinite, I'll just stop here, 'cause I could go on and on and on and on... ^^

Thanks for reading!!! :DD


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