Secrets of Swan Empire Application

1. Park Hyunchul (Karam, Dae Guk Nam Ah)
2. Student, Average
3. Le Story:

     Hyunchul was dropped off at the gates of school in a Toyota, not exactly rich or fancy, but hey, he was just an average kid afterall.  He smiled and waved goodbye to parents and younger siblings as he held all his things in his hands and got ready to enter the school.  He talked to the security guard and convinced him to carry his things to his dorm room, he had an excellent way of making people listen to him.  As he dropped his things in is room the guard showed him around the school and he zoned him out over the lectures of the rules, one of his bad habits, I should really learn to listen, he thought as the guard left him alone.  He ended up bumping into another average student and began talking to him as he was being re-shown around, but still he eventually zoned. 

      He bumped into another student who he then bowed to and apologized with his bright smile and shining eyes, and quietly walked the around the courtyard. People had complemented him for his pale skin and his dyed blonde hair back in Daegu and he was happy to hear some of the whispers of the school girls who had admired him for the same things.  He sat down under a tree and reflected upon himself and some things he should change about himself, he held up his fingers and counted them in his head, Quit zoning in on people, stop being a loner, don't seem so distant, watch the harsh words that can come out my mouth, stop being so..'average'. 

  What do people like about me?  He thought, my hair, my eyes, my pale skin, my hardworking attitude, and my straightforwardness.  He looked up at the sky and sighed wondering what kind of adventures this school could bring to him.



Black Swan 


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