I feel like crying :(

Does anyone know how many people in the world get pregnant and give up the child just because they arent ready to be a parent, do you also realize how many abortions there are in the world. It anger me when I read these things because there are thousands if not millions of couples that would  die to have a child but are uncapable of doing it.

My aunt is 28 years old and she has been trying to have a child for about ten years. She went to different doctors to get opinions, she took soo many medicines, injections and surgery just so she could accomplish being a mother.

I know she would be a great mother because she treats my six year old and three year old sisters like her own even I get what I want from her and Im 20 years old. She absolutely loves children and so we found out she was pregnant about two months ago.

You should have seen her face.

She was soo happy and my entire family was happy for her too, she did weekly follow ups and did EVERYTHING the doctor advised her to do to maintain a healthy pregnancy. I literally jumped for joy because after so many years she finally did it.

Today my mom told me the sad news, the doctor would be taking the baby out of her tomorrow because the baby wasnt growing and its little heartbeat was getting weaker. The doctos said that even if she didnt have the baby removed she would still go through a miscarriage in the next two weeks.

She hasnt spoken a word to anyone not even her husband, she's been crying all day in her room.

Its not fair.

Its not fair that a couple that are VERY capable to raise a child filled with love cant have one. The deserve a child, they deserve to be happy and I HATE those people that can easily give up their child or terminate their pregnancy while there are others like my aunt that want one so bad. My aunt is a  good person, she didnt deserve this.


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I totally agree with you....It's so sad seen the many women out there that have abortions just because they don't want the baby while the family that want them can't have them or have problems getting them...I hate seeing that happen I mean they can just give it up for adoption and make another family happy, and make sure the baby gets a great life....Seriously it's like animefan said if they don't want a baby then why have unprotected in the first place
I agree on that then I your not ready to become a parent dont have unprotected in the first place. And if u do give the baby to a willing family Sony give it up for abortion your killing a innocent life
I agree so much. I'm not sure I could have phrased it better. And this hits especially close to home, because there's a good chance that I will never be able to have children either. ;~~;