One Fine Day (YoonHae)

It was another raining day in Shanghai.

She brushed the dirts out of the books again. It had been the third days of their book sale and most of the books on the fictions shelf had been sold out.

But not the books that were in the musical section. Her favorite shelf actually.  She sighed, not many people into classical music anymore.

"Oh! Sorry!"

Suddenly an exclamation was heard from the far end of the shelf. She watched with interest a pair of youngsters bowed to each other. She could see that both were beautiful and that both were obviously smitten to each other.

"You can have this, Miss." The young man offered the book that both were looking at.

"Its okay. You saw it first, I think". The young woman shook her head.

"Are you planning to give this for someone?" he asked. "My sister." she answered.

"Then take it. I am only looking." "Are you sure?" "Definitely." "Thanks!" She jumped and unconsciously hugged the startled man.

"Um..." She blushed. "It's alright. " He chuckled. "Thank you." She bowed and run to the cashier.

 She wondered why the young man looked so lost when the young girl walked off. But then he smiled and shouted to her. "Hi, since your sister seems to like  the same composer as I am. Want to share notes so you can make it a more memorable gift for her?"

She watched her struggled with herself before she nodded. "Sounds good." His smiles gotten wider and he offered his hand to her. "I am Donghae." She blushed again. "I'm Yoona. Nice meeting you."

The pair walked out her store together, hand in hand. She still smiling upon seeing them when the cashier called her, "Umma, those two are the most beautiful pair I ever see!"



A prequel of Chapter 2 of the Roulette of Loves. For all PYRO out there who missed YoonHae as much as I do :D

'She' in in italic is the POV of the narrator who happened to be the owner of the bookstore where they met. :p


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kaiyoonhae #1
I love and miss yoonhae...
is 'she' someone important i wonder...?
janaapril #3
tq for making this..really miss yoonhae
Beautiful as always. I do miss YoonHae (and SeoKyu) too. They all are busy with their own schedules, but I'm sure they keep in touch. We just didn't know it :p