What's your usual chapter length?

So in the past my usual chapter length was about 3k words or longer, one shots minimum 5k but recently I'M mainly writing centered fics without much character building and bg so I was thinking even if I provide chaptered fics the chapters can also be smaller? No one would be upset? 


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Usually around 1k for fanfics because I can't be bothered //slapped
In all stories I use 1k words but I have a one-shot which is 2k and another one-shot with 600+
oppach #3
I usually do 1k words. It just depends on what you like, I think.
Since there's no character building or background, i think it's okay if the chapters are shorter!
I do usually write 8-10k per chapter but that's because of how complicated the plot and characters are!
Honestly, do whatever that makes you comfortable haha