december is near, looking for new plot partners

Its that time of year again with the holidays fast approaching and you just feel that sudden emptiness. You're busy sure, you could hardly keep up with life but you need distraction too. Looking for someone to rp with. Been roleplaying for 3 years on and off (ya girl's busy!) but lately I've been missing writing long plots, just miss having a creative outlet again. Admin lives on the plus side, rarely gets any sleep, studies half the time, 26 years old, c-owner. I prefer 3rd pov lit. I can do male fcs, quite fluid with anything. I don't mind long or short plots, preferably if you're okay with late replies. If anyone's interested, im leaving my kkt or send me a message for further discussions! See ya. 

kkt: sacredheartsx


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we could resume our plot again if you would like~ with Paing ^^
Have we rped before? You sound very familiar!