
I know it's been a while. Hopefully many are still here and active.

I've decided to do reconstruction or re-writing most of the one-shot stories I've posted to improve the storylines and especially, the grammar, as I didn't really pay much attention before. 

"Something Close To Forever" will be on the DRAFT list for now and I might republish everything. This might be a good thing though as it might refresh people's memory of the stories. I will also do other ones as soon I get through this one. 

For now, I'm doing it little by little and hopefully, I can get it done sooner than later. Please be patient with me. 

Additionally, I wanted to ask if there's any volunteer that would like to do this task together with me? Anyone? I'm not really picky, promise. As long as you're an avid reader and have an interest in writing. Please feel free to DM me. It would be really great to get some help. 

Lastly, for promotional purposes, if it is not against your will, please follow my IG page of poetry and writings @type.writernim. It's a fairly new page I've been wanting to create to build my portfolio in writing. A short history is that through Yongseo, I've started writing and I have now made it my career. I am really hoping to continue doing it now and in the future. 

Your support would greatly be appreciated. 

Thank you so much!


I'm creating new content as well. Please look forward to "Chocolate Stuff Shop" ^^v


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