The whole Kris thing

Oh Goodness... 


So I'm sure a lot of you have seen the scandal at this point, especially if you're an EXO-L. I wanted to take a moment to talk about this. 


First, I believe I read something about Lu Han and Kris still technically having ties to SM until next year due to their 10 year contract and the compromise was that they get to leave the group, but anything they do in Korea, SM would get profits from. I THINK. I could be wrong. However, please, when it comes to EXO and Kris, Tao, and Lu Han, remember that no matter how much we would love to see OT12 again, these three are no longer part of EXO. 


I have not failed to notice that every article talking about Kris Wu and the ual assault accusations mentions him as a former member of EXO rather than a solo artist, actor, model, professional driver, and brand ambassador. Maybe they're trying to go for what he's most well known for, but at this point it's pretty irritating because he has spent more time OUT of EXO than he did as part of the group. Which kinda hurts to think about, but it's true. He's got his own image and style now and should be recognized as only himself. The reason this bothers me is because regardless of if Kris is innocent, EXO gets dragged into it. 


Second, the actual scandal. If you are unaware, Kris is being accused of offering young women positions in the entertainment industry in exchange for ual favors. He is also being accused of taking advantage of these women when they are intoxicated and then having his legal team offer "hush money" so the victim would not speak out. 


While I would love to join other EXO-L's and jump straight to "he didn't do it", I have to admit that I don't know any of these performers. I've watched them on TV, in dramas, listened to their music and interviews, but I don't know a single one personally. American stars are accused of or caught doing crazy things at least once a month. Many times it turns out to be true. I am in the entertainment business myself. The trope of certain personalities being attracted to the spotlight is unfortunately true. This already causes me to hesitate to blindly trust ANY idol, even if it is Kris. 


Now, before anybody goes and gets angry or calls me a fake fan, there is another point to consider. IF these women are not lying about what has happened to them and EXO-L's and Kris fans refuse to believe them, then the fans are aiding an abuser. I don't want to see Kris's career ruined forever if he's innocent. I don't want EXO's name smeared. But if this is all true, blindly following the abuser in power just because you're a fan is not the way to go. How many women in America have been silenced or made out to seem crazy when they speak about their abuse? When idols are attacked for even wearing women empowerment t-shirts in Asia, how will abuse and accusations turn into justice? Silencing the victim, victim blaming, and accusing victims of just wanting to ruin somebody's career are all excellent ways to ensure that these people stay forever silenced, and actual abuse goes unpunished. Plus, if there's no consequence, abusers feel even more emboldened. No offense to K-pop fans, but there are some of you out there who launch hate crusades on people who even say they weren't fond of ONE song on an album. Or go full stalker on their idols or whoever that idol smiles at. Can I trust that type of fan to not go after the women who are accusing Kris? Or to refuse to aid an abuser even if he's their obsession?


All this being said, I remember years ago when there was talk about Kris and his ex. I believe, though I could be wrong, that this is the same woman? Could it be bad blood? Absolutely. Is it possible people are lying for attention and to ruin him? Of course. 


I'm not sure what to believe.* These matters are difficult when it doesn't involve you and the news is pretty much third hand from articles here and there. I know that I won't be sending any of the women hate messages or threats, and I know that I'm not commenting under Kris or EXO's content in support. It is my personal opinion that if Kris is innocent, he will survive this, get new deals and songs, and will still be rich. If he is guilty, then these girls will hopefully see justice. They're not gaining that much by accusing him other than causing a massive social media storm. You can argue that Kris has lost deals over this, and he has, but I'd still say that he can recover and is still living comfortably. If these girls aren't lying, their situation is worse.


And if they are lying, their lives are very sad and I hope they never do this again. I think it's rude to wish bad fortune on people (even if I really, really want to) because I'm paranoid it'll bite me in the  one day... that being said if they're lying, I hope they don't get the next job they interview for. 


[that's not TOO bad, right? But it is pretty irritating and disappointing. How about the next time they need to wait, they have to pee every 5 minutes? That's nice and inconvenient.]



Feel free to disagree or discuss in the comments below. I wanted to make a post because it keeps popping up on my IG everywhere and the amount of people blindly taking sides is incredible. We have to remember that everybody involved is a PERSON. Kris is a person, and hopefully a good one. These women are people with feelings who are in need (whether it's justice and recovery or therapy on being a better person). Idols are not untouchable gods. They're celebrities with lots of influence and money. Some fans and anti-fans are not completely okay and take pleasure and validation in these sorts of things. We don't know either side personally. 




*You can argue that by not really taking a side I am also aiding an abuser and that's valid. I just don't know what to do personally. 


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You said everything that I've been trying to say ever since the day I learned about this scandal. I see people blindly choosing sides while I don't know what to do or what to say. I've been avoiding talking about this because let's be honest, I stopped following Kris and his activities ever since he left exo. It wasn't because I stopped being his fan, but because I was never interested in him ever since he was still part of exo. So I'm not sure about what's going on with him exactly because I'm not following him anymore. I still follow Luhan and Tao tho.
So until the full truth comes to the light, I'm not supporting anyone nor I'm going to talk about this.
However, thanks for writing this!