From friends to enemies.


It's funny how 10 years of friendship means nothing to some people. As difficult as it is to accept it, the fact that people hide their true selves makes me sick.

They get close to you and then they stab you in the back when you least expect it and when you want to know the reason why they make you feel guilty. They try to pin down all their failures and accuse you of being a bad friend when actually they are the rotten egg in that friendship. They cause drama, talk ONLY about themselves and their problems, think that they are the only ones right and if you disagree with them they are 'hurt' by your words, even though you didn't say anything bad but they understand your words the way they want to. 

When you have a problem or if you want to share something with them they don't have time or they are bored listening to you, it bothers you but because of some respect and manners you stay quiet. You swallow it and just shrug it off, trying to ignore it because you keep telling yourself that you know that person for a long time and you refuse to see the signs. Why? Because you know that person and you know their sweet side. You remember the memories you made with that person, and those times make you happy, so you turn a blind eye. 

They ask for advice and once you say what you think they get angry at you, you don't give advice and they still get angry at you. They get a boyfriend who is abusive towards them and you see it, so as a good friend you let them know that it's not a healthy relationship, but they go and tell their boyfriend and they come and attack you verbally, telling you that you don't know what love is and that you are jealous because your still single and no one wants you according to their beliefs.

Yet you know and your so-called friend knows that it's not true. You had a relationship but things didn't work out due to the fact that your ex was a manipulative bastard and you dumped his before it was too late. You promised yourself that you will be careful in the future and not allow that to happen again, because you rather be alone than in an unhealthy relationship, but what would they know? So you send them to hell and go home.

And the just continues, they judge others, they have something to say about everything and everyone, they complain about this and that and you still keep your mouth shut. You swallow it and for the time being you are able to keep the storm in you under control, but you know that you won't be able to keep it under control much longer. That's when you start to change. 

They notice it and they tell you openly that you have changed, but they don't feel guilty about it because they think it's not their fault. You start getting info from others about how your so-called best friend is spreading rumors about you, backstabbing you, and trying to belittle you in front of others. So you confront them with all evidence and once again they lie to you, even after you showed the evidence. That's the breaking point, you can't keep the storm inside of you under control so it blows up. 

You say what you have and they are without comment for a moment there and they just stare at you like you are an alien. But in the end, they tell you that it was rude of you to break a vase and hurt them. They run off crying, and you? You feel much better because you got it off your chest once and for all. 


Just because people stay quiet and observe the situation around them doesn't mean they are stupid. Many have tolerance and they can handle many things, but don't cross the line. It's sad to say but people really don't have respect towards each other. They only care about themselves out of their selfish reasons. I don't like where this world is heading... it's sad. Very sad. 

I just wanted to say what was on my mind and I hope I didn't offend anyone, but it's just my opinion. 

Thank you.


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that when it happens — happened to me twice and it turned out pretty ugly. I'm still on speaking terms with both of them (barely, because they live both in my hometown). i hate how some people make a change to be something negative, we change all the time, learn something new and unlearn something that wasn't healthy. goddammit, maybe it's better to 'change' if they turn their back n you and you can live happily ever after without them. I'm at the point in my life where I can let friendships drizzle out, not quite like ghosting but not making efforts to run after someone if they don't do the same for you. i have some longstanding friendships that mean the world to me, even if we sometimes don't see each other for two years and barely speak over the phone, but I know I can get back to them like nothing's ever changed. gosh, why do I sound so old all of a sudden?
is this rambling even making sense?
What happened to you is really sad, but it happens. People change and friendships break even among best friends. It’s a good thing that you got rid of such people in your life, you are better off without them. You will find better people in your life.
Hope that everything goes well for you and you don’t meet such people ever again!
It's true...I even wrote a blog about it too...I had a more than 10 years friend & she just ended our relationship like it was never a friendship between us! Some people are like that...I understand & it hurts! I try to avoid these kind of people these days...
& about rumors,I think until you're a good human,it doesn't matter what people think of you...No one can make you a bad person by some stupid bullsh*t!
(Sorry,suddenly I got angry cause this reminded me of my friend,she's not my friend anymore...what can I call her? Haha,forget about it.)
Anyway,hope you're happy & healthy...
I hope you will cross path with people kinder and more honest toward you. People change according to time, encounter and experiences and unfortunately some turn not okay.
You did well to talk and face them even if it was violent according to them. I don't wish you to have once again that type of issue but if it happens you can write down your thoughts as you did here but before exploding, it will lessen the pressure and burden a bit. And once you are ready to confront them you could be steadier emotionally speaking ^^.

Wish you all the best and hope they won't bug you ever again.