Double Standard At Its Finest

The tittle say so, and so does the heart, liver and everything in the body of it.👀 

I really hate to be compared with anyone, especially men. Well, I don't think there's any woman and men out there, like it when they get compared to anyone eapecially the opposite gender. 

I have 5 boys siblings. Only 3 of us are girls. 

I hate how my parents treat us. I know, their love is the same to one another BUT, it is way too different. And it's obvious. I wouldn't say that I am the only one who feel like this, in a household full of men. 

I hate it so much whenever my parents would say things like, "They're boys, they can do that". Just because I am a woman, I can't do that?

And being compared to a man is like being downgraded just because you're a woman, same case like my TBONTB OC, except, this is in my household. The things that I hate even more is whenever they told me off as if I can't handle something. Maybe I can't do that but don't I deserve to even try at least once? 

The fact that whenever the boys did something, or even my youngest sister did something wrong, it always fall to my shoulder. I end up being the person who got pointed at. 


Because it's easier to blame it on me. A woman who can't speak in a household full of men. It made me think. What's so great about men? I know, men are portrayed as a strong creature, the one that protect and the one that sheltering. People tend to forgot that men is being born by a woman. 

I just hate it here right now. 

And when people ask me why I didn't talk to them. Trust me, talk is rubbish with them.

Don't ask why I said I want to sell them all at the black market. I'm in need of money. Need to sell something valuable to the society.👀🌚🤡🤣


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