Hello guys! Kindly read the message I left on my wall, please! 


Thank you for everything and goodbye my dears


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Palak27 #1
I am seriously going to miss your stories! Like really really! You’re one of my favorite authors and I really love your stories not just plot wise but also the way you write.
Thank you so much for all those amazing times I spent reading your fics.
How long are you keeping your account open?
I really need to re read some of your works because I am gonna be really sad if it’s gone overnight.

Thank you so much again’! Stay safe!
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that...
I was looking forward to read your new story and rereading your old ones, they were some of my favourite Hunhan's here. I will miss them and you too a lot.

Also, it kind of that underaged reader ignores the warning and reading rated fics smh...