message from a 5 year aff writer to reader: please upvote.

Hello everyone. It has been quite some time since I have posted a blog on here. I'll just get straight to the point. 

When a reader upvotes a writer's story, a number of different things happen. i'll talk from my own personal experience since everyone is different. I always felt the utmost joy and contempt whenever my stories were being read, being subscribed to, and most importantly, being upvoted. Whenever someone upvoted, it felt like I was finally doing something right, whether that be delivering a fantastic chapter for my readers to enjoy or bringing solace to the reader and they felt the need to reward me. It's one of the best feelings knowing that there are people out there that love to read your stories and they can't wait for more. 

Upvoting for an AFF writer means all of those things and more. It means that their story is finally getting recognition. It means that their story makes the readers feel something. And it also provides the writer with the needed motivation and inspiration to keep pushing on. 

Lately, I have felt like no one has really enjoyed my stories. I have a brand new story out with many ongoing and they all have great numbers of views and subscribers but barely enough upvotes. It makes me lose motivation since I feel like no one likes reading what I have to provide. Upvoting relieves the feeling of discouragement and failure. 

So please, from an almost 5-year-old AFF writer to you, please upvote. Not just for me, but for the rest of the writers on here. It truly does mean a lot and it really helps. 

Thank you for reading. 


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Yes!!! I agree with you entirely 👏👏👏👏💙💙💙
This is what I feel, I pour everything in the story yet I receive little to nothing on my stories. Moreover people unsubscribe and in few cases unupvote too. Its hard to write or do something with all this anxiousness whether people will like it or not should I just quit. And I'm not good enough to post anything or write anything. The hobby I enjoy the most is slowly making me depressed.
I agree with you!!!! I try to upvote too for that reason. Thanks for making this post!!
I totally agree with you! I always upvote even before reading the first chapter! As an author myself, I know what is it like to put so much effort into something only to get disappointed with the lack of support! So I always make sure of upvoting when I subscribe ❤
Well done said 👏🏻👏🏻 i agree 1000%