Need to get this out

I wrote "Enough" a few months ago, outta my own true situation at that time. Just last night, an old friend slide into my DMs to ask my contact info. 

That said friend is in the same country as someone I've been avoiding for these past months. My gut feeling is telling me, she's asking for that person. Although, she haven't been replying again. 

It has been so hard for me to fall asleep peacefully and it keeps on bothering me. Is it even worth it to be so worried about such a simple question of contact info?


I'm so not ready to face her if it actually the kind of scenario I have in mind.


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Honestly, trust your gut - ignore the message, block them if you have to (so you won't have to see the message)
From my experience if any person like tht cause you sadness n stuff related, just stop contacting them. You don't owe them anything and neither do they. They're nothing to you unless you make them something. Yourself matters, you matter. Don't mind them anymore.
I wish you all the peace and happiness in this life 💞