Personal updates

Hello beautiful people who are following me and are waiting for new scenarios to be added to my new scenario shop

first of all I would like to apologize for being late 

second let me explain what had happened to be ever since I decided to write again. 
my mom was diagnosed with  cancer in 2019, medication failed many times and in February her health started to worsen each and every day, daily. I accompanied her in the hospital until she took her last breath in 9th of April 2021. I lost my mother who had been fighting cancer for two years. 
I am taking a little bit more break until I feel like writing again. I ask for your understanding and prayers for my family. 

once again, I apologize for making you all wait 





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My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your mom. Sending you healing prayers and virtual hugs..
I'm sorry for your loss. May your mom rest in peace. May courage and strength be upon you and your family .