Some thoughts of the «The Unknown Obsession Of The Unknown Beast»

So, I've been thinking of it that I didn't write all my best on that story and I felt very bad of it.

As much as I wanted to make it look good and that, I knew that I failed, I knew it. I didn't feel proud of it more like disappointed on my own work, I know that should just put more work and effort on it.

I was thinking of rewrite it or doing a Season 2 of it but I'm not very confident if it's going to be successful....The story plot its already in my head, now the problem is how do I write this.

I know how to write stories and that but sometimes my head can't do the things that I expected to be it. Maybe I'll need some help and lately I've felt very depressed (dunno why)....

I hope that y'all will help me with this


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if u need someone to talk through okot point ls or someone to beta, message me! i'd love to help ^^