let's talk about milk. *no karens allowed*

so uhm i tried soy milk and it tastes like also wtf is cashew milk? almond milk? why are yall drinking that ?? like srsly why? that is DISGUSTING af, if yall drink  these "substitutions" just don't ing drink em like what's the point of em? bro just buy the dairy cuz it's more worth it also those "substitutions" aint as healthy tbh whoever drinking substitutions r weirdos yikes, substitutions dont give you the full nutrition! it just gives you some of it like half-assed. the milk substitutions r like ur substitute teacher who only gives you activities to do but aint ur main teacher, then your main teacher shows up and teaches you but the sub? they only give what the main teachers give em. so yall pick anyways substitutions r ty and so are the ones who drink em. if you want the taste of milk just buy the ing thing geez. 


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Cause some of us are lactose intolerance.