just need a friend :/

hey! so uhh.. i'm bored as hell and kind of going through a rough time? i think a nice little chat with someone might help :) so whoever's just as lonely or even a little bored.. will yu mm.. message me? :3 

we can talk about literally anything!! my favourite group is exo if that interests you .w. or we could even rp if we're bored? (tho im not usually free for this i do apologiseee)

also my irl friends hate me and I would love to make a new friend just in general wkwkwk

please dm or comment if interested and i'll give you my kakaotalk id !

- cai



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Hey bb girl! Not sure if you're around but I'd love to be your friend and we could even rp, yes! My kkt id is lafrisee, don't hesitate to hit me up!
i can be your company :)))
I'd love to be your friend 💙
Are you alright?