university of ulsan, class of 2020
the basics
 ara - a nickname her family calls her by since her sister has a similar ending sound name
↪ a.I  areum her friends jokingly called her this nickname referencing her wide range of knowledge

Nationality: korean
ethncity: korean

languages spoken:
korean (fluent): her native language
english (90% fluency): she learned it herself from reading books and watching videos since the 6th grade. there are some difficult vocabs she might not have been exposed to.
japanese (70% fluency): she took classes in high school. she knows enough that she is able to debate in the language.

FACE CLAIM: jang yeeun (clc)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 166 cm + 52 kg

APPEARANCE: yeeun with short black hair

STYLE: scroll horizontally
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all about me
(entj-t- commander, aries, Gryfferin)
AMBITIOUS, assertive, sociable, loyal, eFFIcient,  rational
STUBBORN, neglectful, quick-tempered, outspoken, self-critical, competitive

han areum is someone who knows what she wants and goes for it. People view her as someone who is an overachiever and unshaken by anything. The model student loved by her professors and receives either admiRation or irritation from her fellow students. Some may think she'S trying to show off by taking on various activities or TAKING leadership roles. But, in her point of view, she wants to expand her skillset and have more thing to put on her resume later on. Areum is very ambitious when setting goals and standards for herself. She very self-critical, always thinking about she could do better. she like her efforts are never enough. She is hardly satsified with her achievements. 

she normally wouldn't bother to start up a ruckus because it's a waste of time and she has better things to do. unless, someone is badmouthing her or her friends or trying take advantage of another a weaker person, areum won't hesitate to confront them. you'er lucky if you're able to make a true friend in areum. she is very loyal towards her friends and doesn't go gossiping behind their back. areum has no problem with meeting new people and engaging in conversations. although, she is very sociable, most of them are just surface level friendships. most of the friendships she had drifts apart as time went by. having so much on her plate, she doesn't always proritize making time to hangout. maybe somethings will change during her time in university.  she just feels like she doesn't have enough time in the world to do everything she needs to. she tends to prioritize academic activities over leisure activities. 

she very much dislikes people who are obnoxiously arrogant. If someone tries to tell her what to do. they better have a good reason. han areum is completely stubbron. she won't settle for some lousy excuse. she is set on her purpose and opinion, unless you can prove her otherwise. she is an efficient pereon and her best efforts to complete any given task. she always says she's fine and can handle everything on her plate but, people around her worry about her overwokring. areum is also a competitive person. she doesn't want to fall behind others in naything activity she sets her hand on. she puts in effort to be as good as the best person there. 


han areum was born in iksan, south korea on august 21, 1997. her mother, jang yuyeon owns a stationary shop and her father, han minjun works as a taxi driver. she grew up a low income family but, it was enough to live in a two bedroom home with food on the table. her parents used one room while she shared with her younger sister areum who was four years apart.  Areum was never embarrassed or upset about not being purchase luxury items. She never very well how hard her parents worked to make ends meet. Bring the older child, she felt responsibility to be a role model. She also want to make her parents proud with her success. It was what motivated her to this point.

areum excelled academically and strived to keep it that way. she was ranked 3rd in her year by the end of highschool. she was the class president, the 11th grade representative on her junior year and the student council president on her last year. she also participated in the honors society club. She was always busy with responsibility. When she wasn't studying or busy with club activities she was working. Areum tutored ELEMENTARY school two days a week after school at an academy. On the weekends, she would help out at her mother's shop.

Areum was always interested in how devices and machinery worked to solve problem make people's lives easier. She also liked the medical field too, so naturally she became interested in biomedical engineering after learning about from a book. When areum applied for universities, she applied as a biomedical engineering major. She especially liked the program at SNU. it was the only school wanted to apply to but, her parents and school counselor wanted her to have a backup plan. So, in addition she applied for two other schools, jeonbuk national university, the iksan campus by her parents reccomendation because it was local. university of ulsan, just beacuse she has never somewhere near the water before. but, honestly she confident, she was going to make it into snu.

unfortunately, the rejection letter came and areum was devastated. a few days, later she came to the conclusion that she'll do well where ever she goes. she wasn't going to let herself fall behind, mulling over a rejection. she was going to prove that she can do even better without a sky university. areum had got accpeted into the other two schools and ultimately chose UOU. she also recieved a full-ride scholarship to the school.

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#life #climbing_to_the_top
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college life
year: freshmen
major: biomedical engineering
clubs and societies:
engineering student government 

areum serves on the engineering student governmentl on her freshmen and sophomore year. she served as the freshmen represenative. in the second year, she was elected for treasurer for the student government. The meeting is every wedesday from 4pm to 6pm.

biomedical engineering society 
she is apart of the club for all four years in uni. the meeting is help twice a month on fridays. she also goes to the occasional social/networking events hosted by the society. 

broadcasting club
most people would think she would only the academic clubs. areum just though she would try it out for a year or two and quit once she was busy her other schedules. but, she found herself to really enjoy being apart of the broadcasting team. They have regular meetings every thursday from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. They broadcast different corner spread out through the week.areum hosts TMI news, which is a corner where they announce tmi news submitted from listners for fun. her fellow broadcasting members feature on as guests. tmi news airs right after 5 to 10 mintues of the offcial university news. the corner starts at 12:00pm and ends at 1:30pm.

student ambassador
areum became the student ambassador as an biomedical engineering representative in her third year replacing her student government schedule.


07:30-09:30 Introduction of Biomedical Engineering I (G03431-03) (1)
10:00-12:00 Calculus I (E01316-14) (3)
13:30-15:30 General Physics I (E01310-12) (3)

08:00-10:00 Introduction to Engineering Design (G03431-03) (2)
12:00-13:30 record for tmi news (broadcasting club)
15:00-20:00 part-time at c factory

08:00-11:00 General Physics Lab. I (E01314-21) (1)
12:30-15:30 Programming language (G03635-01) (3)
16:00-18:00 engineering student council meeting

10:00-16:00 part time at c factory
16:30-18:30 broadcasting club meeting

08:00-10:00 General Biology (E01139-01) (2)
10:30-13:30 Fundamentals of Programming for Biomedical Engineer I (G03700) (3)
14:00-16:00 biomedical engineering society meeting (only twice a month)
18:00-22:00 part time at c factory

10:00-16:00 part time at c factory

10:00-13:00 part time at c factory

total units: 18

Dn the weekdays, she wakes up to get ready for class a hour and half before her first class. she has breakfast, usually a sandwich or fried eggs with toast. she brushes her teeth, does her makeup, and chnges for school. she walks from the drom to campus. she'll end up arriving early and waits by the tables nearby if the door is not open.In between classes,meetings and working, she'll be in the library studying or at the study cafe if she wants coffee. 

on the weekends, she'll wake up at 7am and do the same morning routine as on the weekdays. at 8am she goes out for a morning jog or to the gym for about an hour to an hour and a half. then she goes to work at c facory. after, her shift ends she'll be studying in her room for exams or completing weekend assignments. until someone drags her out of the dorm to have some fun. areum is commited to the books so, if there is a huge exams coming up, she'll get firmly rejecting the invitation. if there isn't any thing other obligation coming up then she'll give in to spending a few hours out. 

areum will be living in the dorms. growing up, she was used to sharing things and living with other people. she is tolerant of problems which may arise while living with others. There won't be any problems if they respect her private space and ask before borrowing her things. 
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iced villina latte, mango, crime dramas, radio/podcasts, roses, sunny weather,  long walks, libraries



Cucumber, obnoxious people, lazy people, breaking promises, gloomy skies, artificial cherry favors, being late



reading non-fiction motivational books, jogging, word games, debates, moblie chess game



Fiddling with her hair, biting the inside of her cheek when she's upset, fiddling with her pen







↪ things in her bag: phone, wallet,  planner, a pen, her keys, lip balm, ear buds and a notebook
↪ her alcohol tolerance is one bottle and a half. she becomes an affectionate drunk, clinging on to people.
↪ the only social media she has is instagram @areumday_ha
↪ she cooks to save money and since she cooked for her sister back then anyways
areum usually can cook anything if there is a reciepe, willing to cook for her dormmates
↪ areum has a driver's license
↪ singers he listens inlcude: sia, rachel platten, adele, heize, eric nam, lee hi
↪ her favorite ice cream is butter pecan
↪ she has matching key chains of a butterfly with her sister
↪ she updates her planner daily

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face claim
Jang Yuyeon (46)
stationary shop owner
 han minjun (46)
taxi driver

yuyeon and minjun work day and night to be able to provide a good life for their daughters. i was becuase they weren't home often and they would spend time at their grandparents until her mother closed shop. but, they were always loving and supportive parents. they taught her good work ethic and be grateful for what she has. 

They would often call to check up on her while she lives in the dorm away from iksan. they worry about whether she is eating and if she is sick and if she is doing fine. they want her live good and happy life. They know that areum wants to be able to succeed and provide for them but, they hope she wouldn't exhaust herself doing too much. 

face claim
han yeoreum (15)
high school student

areum has a very close realtion with her sister. yeoreum is practically her baby,. they spent so much time together when were younger as their parents were busy. areum took care of yeoreum, walked her to school, and help her with her homework. They shared a room up until areum left for university and even though sometimes, they fought over belongings. they reconcile quite quickly. yeoreum would joke that she's happy that she finally gets her own room when they are on call.

The sister call or text frequently. Yeoreum would ask what's like in university and living away from ilksan. Yeoreum has never been away from home so, she's fascinated. Areum would ask how's her school and updates in her life (boys or any new interests). 
FC: ahn yujin (izone)

face claim
best friend
bae eunjung (19)
education major at ehwa women's university

areum and eunjung grew up in the same neighborhood and have been friends ever since. they have seen each other in their best and worst moments. when they went into high school eunjung became popular and apart of the cheerleading team. while areum was the straight a student in the student council. Eunjung is also very social, thoughtful and compassionate. some may wonder why the two are best friends. but despite, their differences they could spend hours talking about their life updates.

even though, eunjung is currently in a uni in seoul. she'll try to come visit areum during holiday breaks or areum can go to seoul. eunjung would often drag areum on shopping sprees and away from her books. while, thesedays, would call frequently. eunjung nags areum not study 
too much or take on too many responsiblity. if eunjung was there she would drag areum out so, instead she tells chohee to do that. 
fc:choi yujin (CLC)

face claim
close friend
song chohee (19)
korean literature major at uOU

although, areum and chohee went to the same high school. and were introduced by eunjung because chohee and eunjung were both on the cheer team. Chohee and areum were merely aquaintance who were kind of friends and just hangout when they were at social gatherings WHICH areum rarely attended. eunjung being the bridge between hoped that the two would become closer since they're in the same university.

chohee would often reach out to invite areum to lunch and to go the events at the university together. they would become close during their time in the university. she would the friend areum could rely on other than eunjung. chohee is energetic, driven, and striaght-forward. she has traits that areum respects. areum realizes that she never knew chohee that well and would have been close during high school, she had accpeted chohee's iniviations to hang out. 
FC: jung yein (lovelyz)

face claim
high school ex- boyfriend
lee jinseok (19)
music (piano) major at uou 

areum's first love and high school sweetheart. they dated for a year and a half. before, breaking up the week of graduation. at the time, she had a lot on her plate, he felt like she didn't prioritize meeting up with him.  so, jinseok went to social gatherings with some friends and a few girls tried flirting with him. rumors flew around that he was flirting with other girls. but, he didn't address the rumors, he wanted to see how how areum would react. clearly, it backfired on him and they got into an huge argument. The rumors were just the spark ignited the bomb. The underlying reason was their stacked up emotions and frustration towards each other due not communicating. He felt that she neglected him as she would cancel their plans when a student council event came up as she was president she was responsible. While, areum felt that jinseok wasn't there as her emotional support and be understanding. In the heat of arguing, they exchanged harsh words and ultimately broke up.

after, she heard from his friends, his side of the story. but, regardless areum  felt that she didn't make him happy in the relationship which led to them to the argument and the breakup. jinseok is her first love and only ex, deep down there is some sentimental feelings. areum doesn't know how she suppose to feel about him now. she doesn't want to deal with this. so, she desperately wants to avoid whatever means possible. while jinseok did try calling her a few times after the breakup but, was blocked. after seeing her on campus (explained in myunghwan's section), he wants to talk it out. and he thinks that if they both feel the spark again they could give it another try or at least stay friends. He feels sincerely sorry for how things ended. He regrets leTting emotions get the best of him when he should have communicated with her.
fc: kang hyunggu (pentagon)

face claim
shin myunghwan (18)
music major at  uou

areum remembered the day she met myunghwan very clearly.  in which she unintentional pulled him into her mess of a situation. that day she walking past the side of the college of music when she sees a familiar shiloutte, lee jinseok, her ex coming out of the building. areum had totally forgotten, they both applied and got accepted to uou before they broke up. out of panic and desperation to avoid jinseok, areum clutched on to the back of the shirt of a male walking ahead of of her and crouched down behind him to hide. when, she saw that jinseok had turned the corner, she let go of the male in front of her. areum apologized repeatedly and insisted on buying him lunch another day. she exchanged numbers with him and she found that his name was myunghwan after they introduced themselves. it might just be the most awkward and embarressing situation in her life. he never asked who she was hiding from and why. she thought was best to leave it that way. 

she thought it would end after treating myunghwan to the lunch she had promised. when arrived to the location for lunch, imagine her shock and anger to see lee jinseok instead of shin myunghwan. she treaded angrily out of there as soon as she him, saying she wasn't here to talk to him. she didn't want to hear anything from him. the next time she met myunghwan she was upset at him for betraying her and helping out jinseok. in myunghwan's defense, he was just tryiing to help out a friend and didn't know her side of the story. areum told him her side of the story about her breakup with jinseok. myunghwan now understood why she tried so hard to avoid jinseok. later, after much pestering from jiseok, myunghwan continue to try to convince to talk to her ex. and she refused him everytime. he relayed messages on both side as the messenager since she refused to see jinseok. although, she understood myunghwan's stressful situation in between the two. she feels bad for the guy who was a stranger in the beginning and has now become her friend. he is a nice and laid back guy who she would gladly help out if he asked for a favor but, she will not meet lee jinseok. 
collab with tbhddaeng

face claim
song yihwa (18)
economics major at uou


areum first met yihwa at c facotry when her shift was ending and was getting ready to leave.  she overheard a few students trying give excuses on how they can't complete the part of the iwork in the group project. the girl they were talked to smiled and couldn't say anything to reject them. areum the outspoken and quick-temper person she is, she interferred and calls them out for puting all their responsiblity on to someone else. areum has met her fair share of slackers and was irritated as if it happened to her. in the process, the whole cafe heard her and it went to awkward silence as the groupmates half-heartedly apologized and left. yihwa inviated areum to coffee and pastries as a thank you which areum accepted. they chatted and became friend after exchanging numbers.

areum is always happy to see yihwa during her shifts. they would chat after her shift ends. areum didn't think the siutation with jinseok and myunghwan could get any more entangled but, it did. it was when areum was on one those days myunghwan was trying to convince areum to talk to jinseok during her shift and yihwa saw them. soon, yihwa also found about areum's ex boyfriend situation and was asked by myunghwan to help pursuade areum. yihwa talked to her about how she could find some closure and figure out things she didn't about herself from jinseok. when areum finally, makes up her mind to talk calmly talk to jinseok, it was because yihwa got through to her (and of course myunghwan who made the most efforts and was probably the most stressed). areum feels that yihwa views things differntly from areum, she's more empathetic and aware of others' feelings. but, honestly, too kind for her good. she doesn't really want to hurt her feelings by telling her that though. areum will be protective yihwa and call out anyone else who tries take advantage sweet yihwa's kindness in the future. 
collab with tbhddaeng


face claim
kang heera (19)
digital contents design major at uou

areum was introduced to heera by eugene who is friends with chohee. areum was walking towards the caferteria when she meets eugene talking with heera. areum and eugene happily greet each other. eugene then introduces her to heera. eugene invites areum to lunch. they didn't become friends until they met a few more times. after that, everytime they bumped to each other on campus, they would greet each other. 

they particularly became close because of juyeon and joonwoo who became quick friends as the two enrolled as freshmen after being dischARged barley a week apart and both management majors. the four end up frequently meeting as a double date. areum and joonwoo would bicker than be sweet the next minute making heera and juyeon amused at the sight. after becoming close, areum and heera would talk about boys and their academic problems. heera is an insightful and more than what meets the eye. they are able to have a lot deep talks and become a source of comfort. areum admires her as a person and her musical skills. 
collab with sirius-


face claim

min garam (21)
nursing major at uou


areum meets garam at their broadcasting club room when, he is discharged and is apart of the broadcasting team. they became closer as garam became a frequent guest on her tmi news corner. they talked about contents for the club's youtube channel and bonded over radio and podcasts. he became someone she admires for his work ethic and warm-hearted aura.

areum begins to see  how much responsiblities and schudules he juggles. it hit her that garam reminds her of herself. it made her wonder if this was what her family and friends always feel about her and why they teel her not to work too much out of worry. looking at him she was feeling all  these of these thoughts. she knows it must hard even if he never showed it. if garam ever wanted to talk about his own feelings, she's always willing to lend an ear like he has always done for others. 
collab with zelodegrees


face claimfriend
chu danhi (19)
chemistry major at uou


areum and danhi unintentionally met because joonwoo and hyunsuk were hanging out. going back to how joonwoo knows hyunsuk, since, joonwoo is a huge baseball fan he knew the bae hyunsuk was a star pitcher in the little league. when, he playing a match with his uni's baseball club agianst hyunsuk's team, joonwoo was overjoyed. joonwoo somehow befriend hyunsuk after the match while trying to keep his fanboying to a low key in case hyunsuk might be uncomfortable.

joonwoo was meeting areum when hyunsuk agreed to hangout by text. he invited areum along and danhi just happen to tag along with hyunsuk. since, areum and danhi were both competitive, stubborn, and direct people they didn't extactly get along the first they met. there obvious tention as they keep bickering. but, later on they found common interest in crime dramas and how joonwoo and hyunsuk annoyed them. they become friendly rivals and good friends. 
collab with zelodegrees


face claim
name (19)
major at university of ulsan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec. 


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"I graduated from jeonbuk jeil highschool in ilksan."

"i'm passionate about both biology and medcial. I'm also interest in being able make an impact in healthcare by designing and creating equipment and software."

"i want to gain knowledge, build up my resume, do some networking, and get the most out of my academics."

"Capable. I want to be seen as someone who can do anything and respected for my work ethic."

"I just started working part time at c factory just down the street."

"I just push through it, i don't the time or leisure to stress over things. i always try avoid or ignore stressful situation. when i can't avoid it any longer, i'll face it."

"i'm not really interested in nightlife activities. although, eunjung has talked about going clubbing together once she's in ulsan or when i'm in seoul. i usually don't drink  often but, i do out of courtesy at social gatherings."

"i don't have plans to study abroad as of current. if it's a study abroad scholarship, maybe i'll think about it. but, i just plan on working hard here."

"for financial reasons and travel time, i prefer to go somewhere in south korea. maybe seoul, where eunjung is at. i also want to visit home."

"my short-term goal is of course to achieve outstanding grades. as for long term, i would want to obtain a good and stable career."
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love interest

birth name: cho joonwoo
 joon - the short version of his name which his friends sometimes call him by

Birthdate: november 27, 1996 (20)
Hometown: iksan, south korea

year: freshmen in 2017 (currently enlisting in the military after high school graduation, enrolling to university of ulsan in areum's sophomore year)
major: management

Nationality: korean
ethnicity: korean
face claim: jung chanwoo (ikon)

current status: strangers (as of 2016)

(entp-a, the debater, sagittarius ravenclaw)

confident, optimistic, expressive, curious, analytical
argumentative, blunt, distractible, defiant, meddlesome

Cho joonwoo is someone who confident in himself and his abilities. it is not to the point of over-confidence, he knows exactly what his strengths and weakness are. he is not afriad to show either of them to others. he is usually very optimistic wihen things don't go the way he expected it to. he won't easily fazed by a small set back. he would encourgae others to look positively and not be discouraged. 

joonwoo is expressive with how feels and what he thinks. he is not the type who hide his feelings or be vague about it. which can lead to him being blunt. he doesn't intend to hurt others' feelings. joonwoo can be quite argumentative when he has differring opions with someone. he likes debating with people because he just likes understanding why they believe the opposition. it is about the idea, he doesn't have anything against the person. he can be very curious. he'll questions things or people and to know more about them. he values the importance of gathering info and anaylzing before judging someone or something.  

he may seem very well put together if you see him just once. but, he has another side of him as well. joonwoo can be easily distracted. sometimes, he'll start something and also try to do something else. joonwoo dislikes being controlled by someone. he likes his freedom to do what he chooses and wants to do. he is also someone who would meddle into someone else's business even if they tell not. it's usually out of the goodness of his heart and he wants to help them, he usually can't resist not to, unless the situation is too serious to meddle into or is really not his place do anything. 


cho joonwoo grew up with the attention on him whether he liked it or not. afterall, his parents, seo hyeri and cho kihyun are well known actors. He got used to people who meets him first time asking about his parents being fascinated. To him, his parents were just ordinary people who just happened to have a job in the spotlight. Sometimes, it was a little burdensome but, never lets it show. He came to embrace it. 
Some may wonder if joonwoo will join his parents in the acting industry. The answer to that is no. Hyeri and taehyun would not have minded if joonwoo wanted to. They will fully support whatever he wants to do. Joonwoo visited filming shoots and watched his parents act when he was younger, although he respects actors, he isn't interested in a career in that field.

After, highschool graduation he decides to enlist to the military, just because he was going to enlist anyways. when he gets discharged 18 months later. he'll be enrolling in university of ulsan as a management major, he''s thinking about doing something in the business field. joonwoo also joins the baseball club the year he enrolls, since, he's avid fan of baseball and was apart of the team all four years of high school. 

Our Story:

                                 chapter 1
        joonwoo's crush at first sight

joonwoo unofficially met areum at areum's high school's festival event, senior year. joonwoo actually goes the iri high school but, he and his friends decided to visit for fun since it was open to the public anyways. Also song chohee is actually his cousin whom is quite close with so, it will be nice to see her as well. He was walking around the field when he bumped in into a girl carrying a box of supplies which was covering her vision with it's size. Supplies came falling out as she apologized. She quickly picked up supplies leaving before he could respond. He caught a glimpse of her.

Joonwoo would watch the girl set up the stage for an event. He was somehow intrigued by her, he didn't know why. He would call it crush at first sight. She was all he thought about during the festival. As soon as he saw chohee, he asked about the girl setting up the stage earlier. His cousin, told him her name was han areum and she was the student council president. He smiled, keeping the name in mind. Joonwoo also follows her instagram after asking chohee. But that was it since she has boyfriend at the time. Time went by and he didn't think he would see her again.

                                  chapter 2
                    the offcial meeting

it was during areum's second year, in whiich joonwoo enrolls as a freshmen. he met with chohee on campus and caught up on life and asked what she was doing next. she said was hanging out with areum. joonwoo blinked hering the name, he asked if it was han areum from high school. she confirmed that they have become close since their time university. joonwoo was excited and asked if he could join. thus, began how joonwoo started tagging along when chohee hangs out with areum. 

in areum's point of view, it was her first time meeting cho joonwoo. choohee introducced him as a her cousin. areum smiled as she greeted him, she was always happy to meet new people.she noticed how friendly, confident and laid-back he is. areum thinks he'll be someone fun to hang around. 

                                chapter 3
                   more than friends?

areum notices that she see him almost everywhere outside of her dorm and her classes. what's the coincidence that he's at c factory during her shifts and sitting at the caferteria when she gets there. he'll sit next her while she is studying, inisting he's there to study as well. but, as time when by joonwoo would be asleep with his head on the table. areum would just let him take his nap and wake him up when it's time to leave. 

joonwoo really admires how hardworking and driven areum is but, wants her to expereince the full college life not just the academics. he would call her to come out and go on a drive with him. he would encourage her to participate in activities at events not just be helping set up like she always does. he becomes a strong mental support for her. he'll take on drive for some fresh or go on a long walk even if didn't ask. although, they would also switch to teasing and bickers, they would also enjoy debating over topics.

her firends, particularly eunjung and chohee would try probe areum about her feelings for joonwoo. areum wasn't sure if she has feeling romantic feelings for joonwoo. she has a lot of obligations and fears that they would end up like relationship with jinseok. areum likes joonwoos company and doesn't want to lose it.but, she gradually accept her growing romantic feelings for him. while joonwoo obviously likes her, but, he'll wait for when she is ready. when he confesses, joonwoo will recruit her friends and have a bouquet of roses.

                                  chapter 4
                   their romance-comedy

people say that they're like a walking romcom drama. their dynamics is similar to what they were like together before they became offcial. just they have lovey-dovey moments. people will often see areum wacking joonwoo's arm because she said something cheesy on purpose to tease yet he's also sincere about it. the, sometimes she'll be glaring at him walking with him following her like a puppy. but, other times they're like any other sweet couple. 

areum saves his name as joon♡ and joonwoo saves her as babe♡ after they became offcial
before they became a couple, she saved him as cho joonwoo and he saved as areum
areum spares time to come watch joonwoo's baseball matches
joonwoo always make sure to listen to areum's tmi news broadcast when it airs even when they were not offcial
he would end up let her win arguments, his friends say he's hella whipped for her
when someone ask what made them fall for the other, joonwoo would always mention that he was intrigued the moment he caught a glimpse of areum. she would wack his arm out of embarressment and trying to hide her face
areum finds it endearring when joonwoo starts geeking about baseball players and the matches
↪ their dates would include going on drives, studying together with joonwoo take a nap half the time, going to baseball matches occasionally, double dates with their friends.
areum being a supportive girlfriend cheering for him at his baseball games
658 notes
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Final thoughts
comments:hi! i finally finished here. she's a bit complicated, don't know if i described her well enough. lmk, if you need clarifications. i may have rushed near the end. Oh, and sorry for the many and very long relationship descriptions. may have gotten a little carried away with the collabs, but they do bring out different sides of her.

notes:if areum doesn't make it into the main cast, she will be dorming with chohee. also, jinseok will be enlisting after graduation.

scene requests: 
areum having some character development, not having her life revolve around just her academics, enjoying more time with friends and finally resolving things with jinseok
eunjung visiting ulsan or areum visiting eunjung in seoul
areum and joonwoo double date with heera and juyeon

password: O+
658 notes
#sweetch3rry #lia #5/10
♡ ↻
han areum.
birth name
han areum
date of birth
april 14, 1997 (19)
iksan, south korea
iksan, south korea

latest picture
658 notes
♡ ↻


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