I made a Ko-fi

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I made a Ko-fi account to accept support if you want to (人・㉨・)♡


I was actually invited by AFF to join the Crowdfunding program when it was launched last year but… I personally think it’s not very convenient for both me and the readers since it’s a subscription method where you have to pay once a month. I was thinking “But what if that person doesn't have money that month?” or “What if I don’t update that month because of how busy I am yet they’re still paying for the monthly crowdfunding fee for nothing?” Idk, I just think Ko-fi is better for now.


And also I’ve been asked about my social media a lot (twitter, instagram, etc) and mainly because you want to know the progress of my fic and if I’m going to post new fic or if I’m working on something new. I’m not really good with keeping up with social media tbh so I don’t find the need to make an account since it will most probably be abandoned LOL but my friend introduced me to Ko-fi where I can post pics and snippets of things and I think it will be easier for me to update my progress there.


So far I got a sneak peek posted on my Ko-fi page so you can check it out if you want. I will be posting WIP of fics and maybe posters too ʘ‿ʘ


I’m not forcing anybody to support me this way. It’s voluntary. It would be great if I can get a little help in paying my bills (since I am paying for my parents too), but I’d rather have you taking care of yourself first.




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i will make sure to support you thank you for writhing some of my favorite fics :) here on aff
You don't consider making patreon instead?
Babygigi #3
I will try my best to contribute and support you!!
I will try my best to support you. I'm still a student under my parents watch but i will try to support you as best as i can