✧・゚:* 🍵 Facebook Roleplay Confessions 🍵 *:・゚✧



Please click the link on the top right called "confession" to send in your confessions.
1. Please note that the admin running this confessions thread is not responsible for any drama or conflicts. Any hate/threat against the admin will be blocked and deleted.

2. Any confession that slanders a specific roleplay or a roleplayer (aff name) will be censored. However, we will reveal the first letter of the name.

3. Any positive confession will not be censored. Positivity is always welcomed and should be spread all around!

4. Please refrain from spamming us with the same confession. Your confessions will be posted in the span of 24 hours so please be patient. If your confession did not get posted in the next 24 hours, you are free to send one again.

5. Please note that this is a facebook roleplay confessions. Confessions regarding any other roleplay platform will be ignored. general confession about roleplays will be posted. 
+ general rp 
confessions allowed. 

subscribe to read the confessions!

Please read the rules carefully before sending in the confessions. This thread is only for facebook roleplay if they are shout outs.


NOTE: There was an error to previous thread and somehow trasnferred into a blog post instead. I'm sorry about the confusion so I am recreating the confession thread. The old confessions will still be transferred and I will continue to post new confessions. Once again, sorry for this error!!


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