Am I ugly?

So I'm going to expose myself a little bit so you can understand what I am feeling.


Okay, so my sister (23 yrs) went to get some food for the both of us and put gas in her car, I stayed home.

She comes home and tells me that when she was ready to get back in her car after putting gas, someone in the distance says "hey you, you're pretty!"

But she didn't think it was her until he says "hey you with the curly hair!"

And then he proceeds to ask for her number (but she declines cuz she taken and I like her current boyfriend and I want him to be my brother-in-law).




Earlier today, she had asked me to go with her to wash her car, and I asked her why she couldn't go herself. She said because she feels safer with me because no one flirts with her or makes her uncomfortable.

I didn't take her words seriously but now that she told me this, I wonder "Am I that ugly or unnatractive that I repel all male species hence if I am with her no one will dare to talk to her cuz I'm there and maybe make the uncomfortable?"

That's why I also had a what if question: what if I did go with her? Would she not be cat called and be bothered by guys who keep constantly asking for her number eventhough she reclines many times?


So because of that I just want an opinion.

As a 19 years old who has never had a guy come up to me and try to ask me out versus my sister whom always somehow always had a boyfriend after a few weeks after her break up I have to ask, am I ugly?!


Did I get the bad genes in the family?

Now whatever self-esteem I thought I had is gone.




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It’s better this way, I am sure nothing is wrong with you, however maybe ur sister has a pretty face w a nice bod and will always attract the wrong guys. It’s good that u protect her. Plenty of guys are superficial but most of them get attracted by the way we “delivered ourselves” as in the way we walk and stare has a lot to say to them. Body language. But anyways, u are still young and having too many bfs is a nuisance, just live and enjoy ur life. Have fun, the rest comes without one even looking for it ;)
loyalb #2
Beauty's only skin deep and your perfect in your own way just continue to be yourself and I'm sure people will come up to you too you'll have your turn just stay true to yourself
The answer is your name! And yes what haru825 said :)
Don't worry!!! I'm sure you look fine!! I had this issue when I was younger, but it all turned out okay in the future. Just love yourself, don't worry about what others might think. Because in the end what all that matters is that you believe in yourself!!