-: ✧ :- Kaneshiro Hiroko IS A TECHNOLOGY CULTURE GIRL

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birthname. Kaneshiro Hiroko 金城ひろ子

— Kim Hanbi, she doesn't often user her Korean name, she answers to it but she feels uncomfortble using it

— KoKo, some of the other trainees started calling her this when she started and it stuck. 

— Ko Ko Bop, after the song came out Hiroko loved it and started learning the dance right away. The other members call her that and she automatically will start doing the dance. 

— Beeny (bean E) as she got taller and taller people started calling her a bean stalk in the making. She isnt called this often but it's an endearing name

birthdate. 3 1 12 03
birthplace. Nagoya, Japan
hometown. Nagoya, Japan
ethnicity. Japanese
nationality. Japanese

— Japanese, mother language
— Korean, conversational, she is still learning 

faceclaim. Hirokawa Mao
backup fc. Katsuno Rise

height. 152 cm (169 cm)
weight. 40 kg


— Hiroko has long dark brown hair and small dainty features. Her skin is smooth and pale with very few blemishes or scars. Her small frame is lithe with all but no muscle tone. She wants to have a feminie, girly apperance


— Hiroko doesnt care much for fashion. She usually wears plain clothes that are comfortable, even during practices. The only times she dresses up is when she is on stage. She doesnt do much with her hair, usually leaves it down or puts it in a high messy bun. She usually is wearing a good pair of sneekers so if she gets the chance to dance she is wearing the right shoes for it

Imaginative, Self-Confident, Hard-Working, Open-Minded, Analytical, Introverted, Easily bored, Soft

Hiroko's mind works in strage ways. She can see the most mundaine things but make an entire fantasy about it. She creates elaborate stories and ideas, often depicted in her dances. She loves devising back stories for strangers she sees on the street. She often doesn care what people think about her, she is who she is, it doesnt matter what they think, she isnt going to change for you. She likes what she does, she loves it in fact. She will pour everything she has into her hobbies and career, even if she is potentially hurting herself she will be giving it her all. She doesn't like judging people nor people who wont accept people. Even at her young age she is openly supportive of the LGBT+ community and has gotten into sassy fights over it. She wont back down for it. 
Hiroko doesn't like jumping in feet first, she wants to know what she is doing before she does it. She likes havign facts for everything, well almost everything, dancing doesn't matter she will dance regardless. Again, discluding dance, she doesn't like putting herself out there. It's like when she goes on stage she is a differnat person, she does not like being in the spotlight and will often shirk it off to someone else. In interviews she often will answer in a way that puts the full answer off onto other members. She doesn't like the interviews because she has to sit still, listening to the MC's talk and talk. She always fights the urge to walk away and explore, other members will often put a hand on her leg or arm to keep her focused and on task when she is bored. When someone comes at  her personaly, it does not take long for her to break. She doesn't like people saying mean things about her and it doesnt take much to make her cry. She also cries when she sees other people suffering or when animals are suffering, animals are her weak spot. 

background. For as long as she can remember Hiroko has been a dancer. There are tons of pictures of her as a child wering dance costumes and posing. She remebers nothing else but being a dancer, she also doesnt remeber wanting to be anything but a dancer. The more artsy the style the more she liked it, like lyrical and modern. She took some ballet but never really took to it. She didnt start dancing rythmic dance until she was older but she absolutly loved it. People often told her it's not really dancing but she always told them to shove it and that it was basically the same thing. 
Both Hiroko's parents wanted her to be a dancer, the even pushed it. She went to a special school that taught her more dance than basic classes. As a young girl she loved it, it was great, the homework was often learning dances. Her parents were planning on sending her to the Bejing Dance Academy when she was 15, but Hiroko had differant plans. 
Some of Hiroko's favorite artists and groups to listen to were Girls Generation and SHINee. In 2011 when SHINee had their debut in Japan she demanded her parents bring her or she would stop dancing. The thought she wasn't serious but brought her to the concert anyhow. She absolutly loved it, a little bit too much. She told her mom she was going to continue to go to concerts, Girls Generation concerts too. She was in love, the music, the dance and the screaming fans. In 2012 she decided she was going to be one of them one day but she didn't tell her parents that, she just went along with their plans so she could keep dancing. 
Hiroko started becoming an SM stan, she loved all of their groups, she just wanted to be one of them. Her only issue was that SM didn't have an Japanese members, only Korean and Chinese. She never thought she would have a chance to debut but she still held on to the dream. 
July 10, 2016 Hiroko's life changed completly. She, along with thougsands of other fans watched as NCT 127 debut but Hiroko was only watching one person. Yuta was Japanese and he was on stage and he was from SM. It was possible for her to become an idol for SM, she could do it to. She could meet Yuta, she could do it. Two days later Hiroko went to Osaka to audition for SM global auditions and she was told she was accepted. 


— likes
sea food
being outside
watching dances
learning dances
bubble tea
— dislikes
spicy food
being cold
early mornings, but she deals with it
showers, she much prefers baths, but agian she deals with it
— habits
she always carries around a set of headphones with her
when she is listening to music she will do little dance moves, like a arm wave or quick shuffle, even if she is sitting down. The others have gotten used to it
she will grab on to people or things in her sleep and pull them in close
— hobbies
going to the beach
going up into the mountains
— fears
quick sand
moths and butterflies
— special talents
rythmic dancing (she'll fight you if you tell her it's gymnastics one more time) 
falling sleep while sitting up (like Kai in that one interview)
— trivia
when she gets sleepy she will speak in Japanes and not realise it, even when the others tell her. They have learned how to say go to sleep in Japanese so when she does it they can say it to her
she will chase down bubbles given the chance
she never told her parents or anyone but she has always wanted to dye her hair some fun color like blue
she isnt overly fond of sweet foods
she hates horror movies, she will cover her eyes and try to bury herself in the couch if she has to watch one
she gets scared super easily
Christmas is her favorite holiday
she was never very good at history in school
she wouldn't want any other careere, she would always be a dancer
she never swears, ever
she tried soju once and spit it back out, it was the most disgusting thing ever
same with coffee
she can cook as long as there is someone or something telling her how or what to do


— friend/older brother: Nakamoto Yuta / NCT member / personality traits / 9/10

Yuta treats Hiroko like his younger sister. When he found out he was why she auditioned and started with SM he kinda lorded it over her, like oh dont worry that your in my presence, you will make it out ok. He loves to pick on her when ever he can but it is always in good fun. He is one of the firsts to defend her if she says something wrong or someone says something negative about her. The fan even like their relationship, often saying they aresecretly really siblings, they have been nicknamed that Japanese siblings. Keiko is often included in the siblings when the three of them around around eachother but Hiroko is definatly closer to Yuta

— relation : name / occupation / personality traits / closeness

interactions (fc if they have one)

— relation : name / occupation / personality traits / closeness

interactions (fc if they have one)

stagename. Hiroko
persona. Japan's youngest
plotline. 23
position. Dancer, vocalist, rapper
units.  TCG Puff 

talent twins.

— Twice's Momo

trainee life.

— Hiroko was told there was no way she was going to start training with SM Entertainment, she was not going to be shaking her for peole and acting like an idiot for money, her mother would not have it. She turned to her father, huge eyes, crying and threatening to never dance again if she couldnt do this. She always got her way when she cried to her father, this was no exception. It took a while to convince her mother but by August she was in Seoul, getting ready to start training at SM. 
At first it was hard, Hiroko didn't speak much Korean and there wasn't a lot of people who spoke much Japanese so communicating was hard. She talked to her father every day just so she had someone to remain saine with. By the begining of 2017 she was finally starting to advance amongs the trainees. 
Spring of 2017 SM debut TCG Mars and Hiroko's excitement peaked. She started putting in extra hours in the studio and tried her hand at rapping. They liked her voice for it and suggested she start working on it more, so she did. She let off on the vocals and started spending that time rapping. It all payed off too. June SM brought seven girls together, Hiroko included. They were told they were going to debut as NCT Dream's counter part  and that they needed to start prepping quickly so that they could make their debut on schedule. 

future activities.

— Titans: SM's project group consisting of rotating members taken from other groups. Hiroko was in the first rotation with Mark, Eunhyuk, Hyoyeon, Taeyong and number 19. 

This interview was recorded around the time of debut in 2017 (or around their debut date if they joined later). They might see the interview again in the future.

hey there! Introduce yourself to the viewers!

— Konnichiwa, I am Hiroko of TGG *bow* thank you for being here

how do you feel about debuting?

— I remember seeing SHINee on stage and wanting to be up there, doing that one day. Knowing that I'll be up there now...I can't even begin to expres how it makes me feel

what do you want to achieve with tcg?

— What do I want to achieve? Um, ah naogeru. I want some other apiring dancer or singer to see me and believe they can do what I'm doing. I hope someone will see me as their own inspiration

Do you have any personal goals as well?

— Oh, I answered the last one wrong. I hope that TCG and NCT can connect with the fans, be there for them and inspire them to want to do what we do.

what do you think about the group's concept?

— Concept? Like being NCT's counterpart? I hope we will be able to do things together, I like that idea

how are you going to survive living with a bunch of other girls?

— I've never had to live with many people before, it's only been me so I think it will be a challenge. 

what do you think about nct? do you get along with your counterpart?

— I like most of the other members, I wish I had more interaction with Yuta, since debuting he has taken me under his wing a lot. Mark is a strage person but its a good strange, I like him too. 

optional extra question.

— here

thank you for this interview! any last words? 

— Thank you for supporting TCG, please look forward to our next album

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comments. here
password. #a1caf1
wishlist & suggestions.

— The first time Hiroko meets Yuta she is stunned. She can't put words together and form comprehensive scentences. She is a bit star struck and he is confused. After a mintue of them just stairing at eachother she is able to squeek and leave. He asks the other TCG members what just happened and they explain he is the reason she is here. He is honored and the next time they meet he starts picking on her about it. 
— TCG was practicing as a group late...early one morning and Hiroko fell asleep. The others attempt to wake her up but it is almost to no avail. The manager ends up picking her up and carrying her to the car and into the dorm just so that she can keep getting sleep
— All of the memers of TCG and NCT treat Hiroko like the maknae. She gets babies by the Dream members a lot, Chenle  and Jisung specifically



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