RP, anyone?

Yes, I've already made a request like this. And yes, I've already even found a partner for a great rp, but I was hoping to find some others.

This will be the plot:

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You see, I was hoping this could be a big rp. Like, a really big rp. 

Amelia, my main OC, has invited you to a sleepover party in Glendale CA. You happen to be in town, and while you have never met the host, nor have you any plans to go to parties, after some research and calendar space opening up, you decide to go. It will be fun, surely. A big group has shown, coming to the party in increments, and there are a lot of things to do. Party games, provided sleepover materials, fun activities, and plenty of food.

The RP link:


Feel free to join~

Or not, if you don't want to ehe ^_^;


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