Ask Me Anything

Welp, I asked and got a 12-0 poll result for an ask me anything blog. So, now it's up to my kids and Little Beeps to ask the questions and I'll respond in a new blog chapter. 

So.... welp, ask away! ^-^

I PURPLE YOU! ♡~( ^ - ^ )~♡


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of course this is why i'm team crackhead i am The Crackhead of Satan that you adopted so really it's your fault UwU
How much do you love me

What would you do if I yeeted a fetus

Do you know what yeeting a FETUS even is

Why did my phone autocorrect fetus to FETUS

How are you doing today

Do you like the rain

Is it raining in Maine

Does the rain in Maine fall mainly on the plain as in Spain

Would you ever visit Oklahoma

Do you know the name of any famous Oklahomans

What is your favorite fooooooood
Oooo, okie, I'll ask you a bunch~

1) Do you prefer singing or dancing or playing an instrument?
2) What's your zodiac sign?
3) Do you stay up late at night or not?
4) Are you a morning person?
5) What is the first K-Pop song you've ever heard?
6) What is the first K-Pop group or artist you got into?
7) Do you watch anime? If so, which ones are you currently watching?
8) Lastly, what is life? >.<

What to do when you cannot fall asleep

Best advice for life in general

How to keep writing when no motivation

Where were you born and where like you like to go most

Best food you can make and have ever eaten

What’s a usual day in your life look like

Best and worst decision of your life (that you are comfy sharing)

Worst ing food combination ever

Favorite kpop ppl right this moment

What song is stuck in your head right now

What time is it when you are answering this

What are you going to do in light of the virus