Congrats are in order

So a huge congratulations are in order!!

Kim Jongdae is getting married and he is having a child! I am beyond excited about this news! We are all going to be Eris aunts and uncles! I truly hope everyone is happy with the news and will support Jongdae no matter what. 

But please be sure to clear EXO's searches on SNS, because some of the fans (mainly if not solely kfans) aren't too pleased with the news. But whatever, our Jongdae is happy and that's all that matters.

I truly wish for them both to find happiness and peace, I hope their child is healthy and smiling brightly!

We love you Jongdae!


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My poor XiuChen shipper heart. But what matters is that They're happy and we give them lots of love and encouragement. They've done so much for us. The least we can do is be understanding and supportive. And set a good example for rest of the fanbase of not only EXO or kpop but the entire entertainment industry.