interest check! which theme would you like to see?

Hello! I'm in the midst of building a new AU roleplay but I'm having trouble choosing the theme. So, I've ventured to the social tab for some opinions-- which one of the following AU's would you be most interested in joining? 

1. Entertainment & crime-based AU ─ Set in Seoul, where the entertainment industry is more competitive than ever, what measures would you take to get your name on the A-list?

  • Centered around the artists & acts signed to a major entertainment company and the shady dealings that occur behind the scenes. Scandals, relationships, betrayal, drama, fighting for your rights all while actively promoting-- that's show-biz, baby.

2. Haunted university AU ─ After a majority of the campus burnt down in a lab accident that shook the nation, this renowned university has been forced to relocate and rebuild their campus on the grounds of what was once an orphanage and children's hospital. Dormant for years, the young and restless spirits of those who perished are excited to have some new playmates. 

  • Exactly as it sounds-basically a haunted school lol. I would like to highlight the whole university experience with frats & sororities, clubs, and fun events, with the addition of the ghosts of little kids, nuns, and hospital staff roaming the campus. 

So, which one? Let me know in the comment section! Also, if you'd like to join as a member of help me out as an admin, please do not hesitate to reach out!


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haunted university!!
i might join as a mebmer < 3