rest in peace our beautiful flower

hello everyone,

last night I was on my way home from school when my little sis sent me a link about the news ... I was shocked to the point that my hands are trembling

Choi Jinri was one of my favourite idols in the industry and she inspires me a lot, it's devastating to hear her sudden death

so I've read some news and here's the thing, even if you have opinions please be mindful of your words because everyone is sensitive in their own ways

I'm proud of our Jinri for standing up to hates but that doesn't mean she was deeply hurt by this too, please stop criticism and start appreaciating one another


Jinri is very special to me and now she's gone, I'm really really devastated ...


Rest in peace our beautiful flower, thank you for existing even if it's just for a while, I love you bby ♥





- signing off for now -








p.s.: If you're suffering, open up slowly, and if you don't have anyone to talk to, I'm here ... talk to me


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