Pretty Boy 。❀ | meet kwon min jung

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❀ Name Kwon Min Jung
❀ Nickname/Aliases Naomi Kwon
❀ Age 19 (during the story)
❀ DOB November 8, 1996
❀ Place of Birth Seoul, Korea
❀ Current Residence Seoul, Korea
❀ Nationality Korean
❀ Languages Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese (Advanced)

❀ Height 168cm
❀ Weight 53kg
❀ Hair Color Brownish-black, Coppery brown, blonde (constantly changes)
❀ Eye Color Brown (wears contact lenses)
❀ Model Lee Ho-jung
❀ Images
❀ Style "urban street"


❀ Description In contrast with her overachieving peers, Kwon Min Jung grew up in a rather laid back household. Because of this upbringing, she's known as someone who's easily to get along with and fun to be around. She enjoys going out and having a great night out with friends, but miraculously manages to exceed well in her academics. Both her parents are eccentric and artistic, but also ambitious. This personality runs through their only daughter as well as she is into art and pop culture and enjoys being creative. Because her mother is heavily involved in fashion, she shares the same nose for fashion and other quirks. People are amazed with her because of how well she pulls off unusual style. When it comes to relationships, she usually tries to play it cool but somehow ends up falling head over heels for the significant other. She's a loyal friend, though makes snide remarks in her head about her friends.

❀ Flaw Falls easily for significant others and easy to manipulate
❀ Hobbies
 ➜ Writing fiction
 ➜ Reading nonfiction, op-eds
 ➜ Painting, mixed media arts
 ➜ Watching TV shows (mostly American)
 ➜ Collecting nail polish (quirk)

❀ Favorites
 ➜ Musician Bon Iver, 10cm, SZA, Vance Joy, DBSK, Big Bang
 ➜ Book In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
 ➜ Movie Anything with Tom Hanks
 ➜ Magazine New Yorker, Nylon.

❀ Trivia
 ➜ Has sworn off dating "pretty boys" due to a bad breakup with a pretty boy when she was in high school.
 ➜ Her parents are very involved in the music and enterntainment industry, but they have never forced her to become an idol despite their connections to the industry. Their parenting style was very hands-off, as long as she was successful in any endeavor she chose.
 ➜ She is a journalism and public relations major at Yonsei University. Being fluent in both Korean and English, she often participates in programs or projects that require a grasp of the English language.
 ➜ Her dream career is to be a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist or writer.
 ➜ Guilty pleasures include playing Maple Story. This was something she took up when she was dating her ex.



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