
There have been so many ideas scattered here and there inside my head.

And there's a special one, which is inspired by my own life but the real scenerio wasn't that deep.

In one of my notes I talked about my ex crush.

So I really wanted to write a story, coloring the scenerio with my own lame thoughts and giving it a good ending.

I am just not sure about it yet. 

It's like I know the start, I know the ending, but I don't clearly know the mid process ehehe .



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Nidoo_94 #1
Just start whatever you are thinking about...if you know the begining and the end then maybe once you start writing it ,scenerios will build in your mind on their own from observing people here and there...also ask the people around you about their crush stories and maybe it will help you a bit...just go with the flow and remember we are here for you too <3