Worst day

Today I asked my mom "mom is it okay if I don't like guys ?". 

She said "what do you mean you love girls ? Don't make your mom crying". 

"Why ?". 

And she said "you think whose parent who want their kids to be like that ?".

"You think I want to be like this ?"

I was bursting into tears. 



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just give your mom time, i salute you cause you brave you tell your mom about that but me maybe when i reach my appropriate age
See, I think you shocked her.
To be very honest, this doesn’t involve me, but I’ll still mention it in the hope that it might help you somehow
The boy next door, who I have known for 19 years now, came out by accident to his family.
Actually they found out about it
His mother cried a lot. His father sent him to therapy.
This happened about 7 years ago
Now, they just accepted that he likes men.
So give your mother some time.
If you have siblings, then see if they will understand you and help you out