Rant: OT9 vs OT8 Drama again

It was freaking 5am in the morning. My sleep was disturbed by dozens of notifications from a snsd group chat I joined. These sones were arguing OT8/OT9 drama again, "stop forcing something impossible", blah blah and blah.

For freaking seven hells, ot8 realists are ganging over ot9 idealists, the very same pattern every ing 0805 comes.

Come on, ppl?! Why can't sones just coexist without hurting and bullying one another?!

This. This is the freaking reason I stopped being active on joining sone groups. All the same. No wonder the fandom is getting all the ing hate and this never changed because sones don't support each other's hopeful wishes! What do sones do instead? Freaking argue over and over and over again?! 

It's been 5 years, the , accept OT8 but let the OT9 believers be happy existing too. And if wishing for Jessica to come back is what makes them happy, don't rub ing salt on their wound!




ps. I apologize for my language. I am just very, very disappointed.


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I agree. They're on the same fandom, they should be helping and comforting each other istead of fighting. People should accept the reality but they also should respect the other's feelings. If they believe on OT9, let them be. It what makes them happy.