Circus Arcadia

Its a traveling circus AU that will have an (Mandatory)Activity Check every 2 weeks, and (optional)mini events/games every weekend! 


The Description: 

“Life is a Circus Ring, With some moments more Spectacular than others.”


A big family. That's what you would hear whenever you asked any member of Arcadia what it was like, travelling every week or month, putting on performance after performance, and bonding like a real family. Circus Arcadia is the only circus in the world that is as large as it is, let alone still travels at all, let alone at that size. 


From Actors to Acrobats, from Magicians to Animal tamers, Circus Arcadia has something for all ages and persons to enjoy. Curious about how the circus works, or needing a family? Come join Circus Arcadia, and show us your…


Special Talents. 


We’ll see you there, y/n. 


There will be supernatural involved (Short list: Vampires, Witches/Warlocks, Shapeshifters) and lots of jobs for people to chose from! No civilians, everyone is in the Circus. There will be a "Schedule" for everyone to be able to use to help their plots move along! 


I would need an Admin to be in control of the events, and another to help me keep the documents accurate and up to date! The other admin would be the one helping me keep the AFF on point, accepting and rejecting people, adding them to the rp, etc. But all the admins would share the job of being rule enforcers :) 


HMU on here in PM or comment here if interested!


Thanks so much :)


P.S Internationals will be allowed


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