Zoe Wentworth is Allied with the Order of the Phoenix

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luv_kero. Emily. 10.
Zoe has access to a lot of classified information as an employee of the Daily Prophet, which she feeds to the Order of the Phoenix after joining the organization. She also convinces Odette Grimond to go on the run before the Death Eaters officially establish the Muggleborn Registration Commission, since she finds out they are planning to send Muggleborns to Azkaban for "stealing" magic. Zoe is tasked with caring for Odette's cat, Mortimer, after Odette becomes a fugitive and she continues being the Order's mole within the Daily Prophet.
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Zoe Wentworth
birthdate October 16 + 21
hometown Oxford, England
ethnicity British
Blood Status Halfblood
Faceclaim Sarah Bolger
Zoe is a go-getter who knows that she has to put herself out there if she wants to achieve her goals. She is bold and fierce, and loves to take risks. To Zoe, the best rewards are earned when there is the most to lose, otherwise the endeavor isn't worth it in her opinion. Virtually nothing fazes this tough girl and her resolve has strengthened even more after witnessing her older sisters grow up into a vain peacock and a spineless mouse, respectively. Zoe never wants to be in a position where she has to surrender her autonomy to another and that mindset leads her to live her best life without any regrets. She is also incredibly nosy and has a burning need to know everything, regardless if it concerns her or not. No stone should be left unturned in Zoe's eyes, so she shamelessly sticks her nose in other people's business through stealthy methods that she's developed over the years.
Zoe lived a very carefree life as the youngest member and resident tomboy of the Wentworth family. As a child, Zoe played hundreds of tricks on her two older sisters, since she knew she would get overblown reactions from them. It was a no-brainer that Zoe would be sorted into Gryffindor when she arrived at Hogwarts, much to her older sisters' relief since they were in different houses and they didn't want to deal with the youngest Wentworth girl more than they absolutely had to. Zoe met a Muggleborn witch from Hufflepuff named Odette Grimond in their Herbology class and the two quickly became best friends. For Zoe's thirteenth birthday, Odette gave her a camera and that led Zoe to start documenting every important moment in her life. She also used it for more meddlesome purposes, although Zoe claimed that they were actually investigative, much to the chagrin of any classmates who were caught on film. After graduating, Zoe decided to become a photographer for the Daily Prophet, where she would be in the center of every bit of information that circulated the wizarding world. Not to mention, any excuse for Zoe to whip out her camera, no matter how dangerous the situation, was a huge win to her.
Father / Elbert Wentworth / 54 / Halfblood / Alchemist / forgetful, relaxed, jolly
Mother / Tristana (née Tyndall) Wentworth / 53 / Muggleborn / Historian / passionate, encouraging, decisive
Older Sister / Brooke Wentwoth / 29 / Halfblood / Actress / bossy, vain, materialistic
Older Sister / Paige Wentworth / 26 / Halfblood / Poet / bashful, gullible, romantic
Best Friend / Odette Grimond / 21 / Muggleborn / Member of the Improper Use of Magic Office from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic / loyal, responsible, logical
"I definitely am! I heard the Order of the Phoenix is recruiting and I think I'd be a valuable addition to their roster. I have access to a lot of information that the public is unaware of, so I'm going to use this to my advantage and do my best to protect any innocent people from getting killed."
"I've done a bunch of crazy, life-threatening stuff to try and capture the perfect moment. Obviously this is on a different scale, but what is life if not a giant gamble? Being afraid won't change anything, so I might as well risk it for the greater good."
"Probably not, unless it's to save my own skin. While I'm not the best at combat, I'm also not going to let a stinkin' Death Eater take me out."
comments Here is Zoe, our spunky Gryffindor photographer! I hope you like her! ^^
password As with all of my characters, I love her a lot and will mourn greatly if she dies, but you may sacrifice her if the story calls for it. :')


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"She is also incredibly nosy and has a burning need to know everything, regardless if it concerns her or not." This definitely doesn't remind me of a certain Hufflepuff in H:aH, no siree xD Zoe is so much fun though, and even if it's only through Kent (and other Order POVs if I get any ^^'') she's going to be a TON of fun to write for, I can already tell xD