Behind A, there is B || B-side Tracks

follow b.side_kor on IG for amazing B-Side tracks!



B-side Track [Low-Key non-legit definitions lol]

Definition: Song(s) part of a full-length or mini album that isn't promoted, AKA non-title tracks

Alternative Definition: Underrated and under-appreciated songs in an album 

K-Music Definition: The often forgotten songs, often over-shadowed by the title track(s), in an album

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Don't be that person
who forgets about the B-Side tracks.


Swing on by to our Instagram @b.side_kor where both new and old B-Side tracks of KPOP artists are, and will continue to be, shared with you! Find new amazing songs, reminesce old beautiful songs! At @b.side_kor, our ultimate and #1 goal is to give those underrated tracks the love that they deserve! Interested in other reasons why we are doing this and why you should support us by following us and sharing who we are with your friends? Our reasons are listed as follow, #1 being as previously mentioned:

1. Let the B-Side tracks have their time to shine.

Title tracks are amazing, agreed! That's why we all love listening to them, however! Many people tend to forget that apart from amazing A-Side tracks [AKA: title tracks], artists have put out these other amazing and beautiful songs in the same album. Sadly, they do get overshadowed at times, so we want more people to listen to them and give them more love, because many B-Sides really do deserve it. I love title tracks but I'm ALWAYS FALLING IN LOVE with the other songs in the album, and I know for a fact that I am not the only one! Sometimes, B-Side tracks are the real stars! So head on over to @b.side_kor to help them shine, or find your real star!

2. Appreciate the work of the hardworking music team.

As previously mentioned, title tracks can be amazing! And the fact that many people do end up giving lots of love to title tracks is amazing itself! We're sure the music team loves that, because we sure do too! We love it when our favorite group or solo gets recognized because their title song is such a big hit, BUT! We CAN NOT forget those side tracks! The music producing team also worked very hard on those B-side tracks, and we don't want their efforts to go to waste! Did you know 50% of the time, K-Idol groups would much prefer one of the sidetracks in their albums to be the title track than their actual title track that was released. Okay, this statistic is most certainly not proven, but  you get the point lol. This is to say that B-Side tracks are just as beautiful, if not, then more than the title tracks themselves! Regardless, both the music team and idol group worked hard on putting out these songs, so why pay attention to just ONE of the songs and not ALL of the songs? Give the rest of the album a try! The true hidden gems are sometimes hiding in the back! Just as this blogpost is titled, Behind A, there is B! Want an example of these true hidden gems? Head on over to our Instagram @b.side_kor to find your next hidden gem!

3. Show K-Artists and Idols that we have not, and will not, forget them.

We've mentioned that we are, and will be, showcasing both new and old KPOP songs at @b.side_kor. This means whether or not the group has disbanded, whether or not an artist is still active, we will still be showing love to their songs, because what had kept the circulating support and love between artists/idols and fans was and is music. They have impacted our lives through their music, and by continuing to listen to their music, we will not forget them. It is an important message that I believe all fans should relay to their favored artist, because in the competitive music industry, it is so easy to forget an artist. Sometimes the most effort results in a B, not an A, whether you're looking at Grades or at Albums. I don't know about you, but as happy as I am to see an A on a paper or exam, it does not compare to the happiness and relief I feel when I get a B on an exam after believing the night before that I was going to fail it. Just saying. SO! Head on over to @b.side_kor to show K-Artists and Idols your support!

4. Instagram themes are such blissful aesthetics.

Aside from just music, we are giving both you and ourselves a moment to breathe because... Instagram Themes! Not only are we providing you with amazing B-Side tracks, but we are also pleasing to the eyes! Our theme focuses on sets of colors, specifically pastels of pink, purple, blue, and green! We love a little visual fun too! Don't you? Come by our Instagram @b.side_kor for some eyepleasing feed! Come one, come all!


Do these reasons tempt you at all to visit us? If not, then please let us know what we're doing wrong by hopping by our Instagram @b.side_kor and slipping into our DMs! Come quick, because we really want to know! All jokes aside, as we've mentioned, we really are doing this just to spread good music around, especially the underrated ones. If you have any questions at all, please do let us know! We're all about getting the underrated to be noticed and loved!

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If you are deciding whether or not to check us out, here are four posts consisting of B-side track recommendations directly from our Instagram to assist you while you think about it. Check these songs out, and if you like them, please visit us to find more beautiful b-side tracks that you may be missing out on.



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