40.7282° N, 73.7949° W
NAME kasper ainmire fitzgerald (jokul)
kas is the typical shorter version of his name
walking cooler is the apex member's name for him as he's basically is a walking cooler that they turn to when they needed to cool something (mostly drinks). kasper sighs and tend to not respond when they call him this.
morozko throughout his time being a subject in the facility, the russian scientist refer to kasper as morozko. the name is from a russian fairytale version of jack frost.
tba tba
DATE OF BIRTH, AGE february 14th, 17 (real age: 30-ish years old)
BIRTHPLACE glasglow, united kingdom
1st  glasglow, united kingdom (16 years)
2nd  north pole/the arctic (around 14 years)
ETHNICITY 1/2 british, 1/2 fríorian
english kasper consider english as his mother-tongue. his first words were english and he conversed with his human mother in english. thus, he's fluent, complete with british accent and uses british english vocabulary (eg. lift instead of elevator).
fríorian is kasper's second language that he obtained when living with the fríorians in north pole. he speak it with his accent and can cause confusion at times because of it.
FACECLAIM nick robinson + luke powell, logan lerman
APPEARANCE the boy glued his towering form of 183 centimeters to the wall as his pair of eyes, a striking blue, took a glance at the perimeter.
once he deemed it was clear, he brought his lean yet supple body, weighing 77 kilograms across the green field towards the red flag. the edge of his thin lips began to turn up to a boyish smirk as he neared.
but of course, he wasn't going to have it his way. he felt a smaller body tumbled into him. they exchanged blows before kas rolled her over and quickly reach for the flag. he shook his oval shaped head, blades of grass falling from his mop of mahagony hair. "i win."
but the flag in his pale hands then burst into flames. he scrunched his sharp nose at the smell before cooling the fire down with his ice.
"for god's sake, vanessa.
that's the 10th flag you burnt."
STYLE kasper's style has a touch of biker vibe as he wears his trusty navy leather jacket over tees, paired with denim jeans (sometimes dark fitted pants) and ankle-high sneakers. if he wasn't wearing his leather jackets, he slips on his varsity-styled jackets. (much like steve rogers' casual style).
01 fríoria is a planet where cold dominates. thoughout the lands, half of it is dark and barren where the light never touches and the other half is light and less barren (similar to south/north pole) where fríocroí (meaning the heart of the cold), the capital (per say), is located.   

02 fríocroí is the heart of the planet and where fríorians reside and ruled by royals known for their cold-heartedness and ruthless rulings. because of its rulers, fríorians are seen heartless and doesn't have the best impressions amongst other beings in the universe. 

03 that was until ice queen, ascend the throne and slowly changed fríocroí into a welcoming place, warm despite being physically cold. she made connections with other realms and made fríocroí even prosperous. but there are those who opposed to her ways.

04 they hated that fríorians are now seen as friends rather than feared beings. they thought because of the queen, they are now seen as weaklings, fragile like thin sheets of ice. they were suppose to conquer instead of building relations. albeit, with having been ruled by like-minded kings for so long, it was a hard change. so they decide to overthrow the queen.

05  with only a few of her people and her loyal huntsmen, ice queen volunteered to step down insted of spilling blood. but of course, they weren't allowed to be free and was to be slaughtered to prevent uprising. before they were captured, they were helped by santa klaus (a fríorian of royal blood who was banished centuries ago for wanting to change the cold ways of fríorians) who resided on earth's north pole and stowed them away to earth.
06  ice queen and the refugees lived in north pole with santa klaus, adapting to earth and helping santa klaus while keeping in mind that someday they will go back to their home. 
01 fríorians are alike humans with fair to porcelain white tones (some with tints of blue) and light-haired locks (shades of blonde, most silver and white). they are known to age slowly due their genes (think cryogenic except instead of being store in the cold its incorporated into their genes). as they grow older, their physical appearance start to slow down in aging. most are hundreds years old with the face of 30-40 years old.

02 they are skilled hunters, strong, fearless and ruthless as they needed to survive the barren fields by hunting creatures similar to bears, leopard seals and other similar creatures of the eternal winter. they are able to control ice to some extent: shaping them with resources of ice around them. 

03 the royal families and a handful of chosen guardians called huntsmen are differentiate by their abilities as they are much more powerful and has wider range of abilities other than controlling ice.

04 royal's powers are genetically passed down while huntsmen are gifted (or chosen per say) thus, their offspring may and may not have powers. each king has twelve chosen huntsmen.

05 their powers are aided by magic crystals (similar to casket of ancient winters) that takes shape according to the bearer. the  natural state of a crystal is this.
06 the refuge center of santa claus is hidden in north pole, protected by a reflective ice. when humans come close, they are distracted by a blizzard and directed elsewhere.
07 inside the center, they started to expand santa's "factory" to accomodate the refugees. after a few years it became like this (similar to winterfell from game of thrones ;;).
08  santa's factory is a place where he spent quite a lot of time building high-tech stuff he sells to clients from outside earth or even humans. his techs are mostly harmless, useful things and some are things like toys.
01 niamh, better known as ice queen, was the first queen to actually sit on the throne and carry duties. but her way of ruling was deemed soft and weak thus, overthrown by her own people. she has twelve knights that she calls huntsmen and only half loyally stayed by her. one of them is kasper's father, erik jokul.

02 nikolas (aka santa claus) was crown prince once but as he planned to change ways of rulings and seen as warm-hearted, he was stripped of his title and banished. he then reside in north pole and took another name which is santa claus. he has watched over his realm through a snow globe and is the only one who can knows that there's a direct teleporation checkpoint from fríoterra and earth. he's an inventor and the most powerful royal in fríoria's history. no, he doesn't have a white beard nor does he look like an old man.

03 erik jokul is great-grandson to jokul, a great huntsman in his time. erik is leader of ice queen's twelve huntsmen. he's known to be powerful and respected as he can control ice and wind, abilities that jokul had. thus, erik then inherited the nickname jack frost from his great-grandfather.

world inspiration: jotunheim, bits of asgard, winterfell and wakanda, jack frost, ice queen, santa claus, the movie "the huntsman: winter's war" and "rise of the guardians".
"having a heart doesn't make us less fríorian, kasper. our powers may be cold but it doesn't mean our hearts has to be as cold."
erik to kasper
"do good", "be compassionate", "never let the cold seize you heart" are the statements, amongst many others, that's considered an anomaly for a pure fríorian breed. for kasper, however, it's a constant reminder his parents showed him daily through actions. being half-human, the word humanity isn't strange to him as he cares for all—humans, animals and even up to environment (courtesy of his enviromen-talist mum).
he's generally charismatic and works well with others. but is someone who has a small circle of friends and enjoys being a person who pushes others, supporting them from behind rather than be in the spotlight. he's often described as down-to-earth, having realistic approaching to things and is the type of person who's focused on the here and now rather than the future. he's not the one who comes up with creative plans but once he gets what needs to be done, he's all over it.
kasper's life revolves around feelingsloyalty, friendship, feeling out of place, hope, responsibility. thus, he's highly empathetic.
the feelings he feels doesn't make him all soft and mushy. it motivates him to protect others. kasper isn't one to watch on the sidelines when anyone tries to hurt or control (anything with bad intentions really) others. he can get angry and confrontational with people especially when he believes something or someone can cause harm to others. and it matters not if said person/people is of high stature or authority.  
everything kasper does is deliberate. he joined the football team to train his strength control. he agreed on joining apex for the sake of facilitating his comatose friend better treatment. he's not the type to just wing it or jump into missions without plans or at least a big picture of what they should do. he's steadfast with his ideals and beliefs (like how he should be a filial son to his mother), as it comes from his heart. thus, making it hard to sway him when his ideal's is rooted. to some this trait caused them to see him as inflexible, uptight and someone that sees only in black and white.
he's assertive, upfront and pretty much chill even when he's angry—delivering his anger in a cool manner. despite being confident in himself and his abilities, deep down, kasper finds it hard to trust himself because of the brainwashing conducted by the russian scientists. the unknown bad deeds that he had unconciously done caused him to be a little hard on himself, making sure he atones it by using his power for good that's greater than good. he felt guilty having gone against his parents' teaching even though he wasn't really at fault. 
and at the moment, it slowly eats him as kasper is the type to not discuss about himself to others—finding it awkward to do so. since all he ever focus on is the well-being of others, not himself.
"you don't have to visit anymore, honey. i don't want to leave you with memories of a wrinkled old lady."
"i don't see a wrinkled old lady. i only see my mum. i'll visit you, take care of you, mourn for you and remember you like any filial human son would do. like any son would do."
dami and kasper
tl;dr kasper is basically someone taught to care for others and is warm-hearted. but being told to be good all his life and suddenly went against it even if he was forced to, caused him to have some sort of identity crisis. he fears that he'll become cold inside and out. eventhough he tells himself (and vanessa) he's not at fault, deep down he still feels guilty. so basically he needs to learn to forgive himself.
introverted, observant, feeling, judging, assertive
click on mbti for reference.
of human compassionate, observant, deliberate
inflexible, hard on himself, private of monster
steve rogers inspired.
tw: mentions of abuse and blood
after the fall of ice queen (scroll down on world database for brief history), her and her loyal huntsmen chose to escape fríoria which included kasper's father, erik—leader of the huntsmen. the world had it's break from ruthless leaders with ice queen but now that she's gone, the new ruler was bound to indulge to the cold and take the heads of ice queen's supporters. they took refuge on earth, in north pole, until it was time to overthrow the current king.
erik, a curious being, visited the earth's cities until he stopped at glasglow, united kingdom and fell in love with damielle fitzgerald. dami was an environmentalist whose research is all about the reservation of south and north pole's ice. a few years after they met, kasper was born. the pair knew this was bound to happen but with the knowledge of erik being from another planet revealed six months after they met, they hoped kasper inherited little of his genes.
kasper's first birthday passed, then the second then his third. it was a few months after his third birthday that they realized kasper can control the cold. he turned his hot milk into ice by reflex when his tongue was scorched by it.
erik told dami to keep kasper in and left for north pole to ask santa claus for a power limitator. they'd never know if kasper will burst someday and reveal to the world what he can do. he came back with the limitator in form of a watch. thus, kasper grew up depending on the watch to hide and keep it under control. he was homeschooled and although they don't ban kasper from going out, he couldn't really make friends of his actual age. but kasper's power was the least of their problems.
as they aged slow, dami who's every bit a human, age faster. the couple knew this was bound to happen, too. but kasper didn't (at least not really, he was never really told of his physiology advantages...or is it a disadvantage?). the rest of the world didn't. thus, per dami's request, erik brought kasper to north pole when he was sixteen. there, he eventually learned that who he actually is and how he's bound to be a huntsman like his father. he began training since then.  
at 26 (looks like 15), the fríorians refugees went against their own as they protected earth from being conquered. with the forces of ice queen, santa and erik, they managed to chase them away and after seeing that they're now powerful enough, took back the throne.
in the midst of the war, kasper who was told to protect the portal went against one of current king's huntsmen and plunged into the portal. their fought on the way back to north pole but in the midst of all that, kasper's power limiter broke as he drew his powers with all his might. the sudden blast of power caused kasper to be thrown off course while the huntsman landed on the north pole, lifeless.
kasper landed straight dab in the hands of the russian scientists, the same ones who experimented on vanessa. with his limiter broken, his supressed power went rogue with a final blast at the guards that was dispatched to capture him. the two consecutive huge blasts of power caused him to fall unconcious and woke up in one of the facility's highly guarded cells.
like vanessa, they experimented on him and kept him under control by exposing him to heat and fire. they shaped him into an soldier, although that wasn't a problem as he fights quite well. it was literally the definition of hell to kasper. but unlike vanessa, brainwashing him wasn't as easy.
when they thought they'd successfully brainwash him and sent him for missions, he'd revert back to himself and abort the plan. although after two years, he'd experience blackouts and found himself infront of a frozen over humans or back in his cell, traces of blood in his hands. it was after that two years and a few months, an undercover russian scientist, raiya approached him under the orders of atlas.
atlas and raiya alekhin, father and daughter, is a part of phoenix, a small group of russian renegades who were once part of the facility but soon was against them. as their leader, atlas saw kasper as an opportunity to free the subjects being experimented on as kasper wasn't easily brainwashed. thus, raiya was told to persuade him to help them with their mission before kasper's mind gets even more affected.
kasper, after a few days of hesitation, welcomed the idea of being free. albeit, planning the break out took time but kasper endured and with the help (and company) of raiya, temperature in his cell was always lowered and he began to train hard in order to get stronger. on the day that marked his third year on the facility, they started their plan.
the first plan was to break kasper out. atlas and a handful of renegades created a distraction (they exploded their weaponary, the group love a little boom) while raiya lowered kasper's cell's security. the moment it was disabled, kasper froze it over and shattered it. they left the west wing and head to the other locked up gifted ones, including vanessa. it was then that another explosion occured--and it wasn't their doings.
one of the member located to aid vanessa out told them it was vanessa and she seemed to be going rogue. raiya, who knew vanessa's statistics, proposed to abort and see what will unfold before they infiltrate again. but atlas opposed. he then told kasper and raiya to handle vanessa. alas, before they reached vanessa, the facility exploded into flames.
kasper protected himself and raiya with a wall of ice. albeit, vanessa's fire was on full force and had nullified his wall. the two was buried underneath a few burnt rubble and kasper's ice. kasper regained conciousness after ten minutes, just in time to see vanessa taken away by uvc.
after they left, kasper stood and saw the aftermath of vanessa's outburst. shocked, he quickly searched through the flames and rubble for raiya. he found her, barely breathing and pulled her out of what was left of the facility. he took her to the meeting point where a russian medic stayed back. he was asked about the explosion the medic heard but kasper begged him to tend to raiya first. once he saw raiya being tended to, he went back to the facility to search for the others.
he doused vanessa's flame with his ice as he searched for them but to no avail. they were all dead. including atlas. kasper pulled them out and buried them before he went back to raiya. the medic told him they should head to the basecamp for raiya's treatment.
days after the incident, raiya didn't wake up and the medic said she fell into a coma. days turned months and she still didn't wake up. kasper was visiting the makeshift graveyard that he found vanessa, right where she stood a few months back and with her, agent vincent wolf.
vanessa was quick to look away. kasper didn't miss the guilt in her eyes. it was vincent that approached him (of course). "what are you doing here, kid?" he asked, not knowing kasper was anything but a kid.
"what are you doing with vo?" kasper asked back.
vincent caught the hostility in kasper's voice and prepared to engage, slowly walking toward the...kid. "you know her?  who are you?" vincent turned to vanessa. "who is he?"
"just a kid," kasper answered, noticing vincent started to analyze him. "what are you doing with vo? another assasin mission? are you using her to look for subjects that survived to experiment on?" 
"our facility isn't like that," vincent scoffed. 
kasper gritted his teeth and in matter of seconds, a few pointy ice restricted vincent's movement. "i don't buy it."
only then did vanessa stepped in. she melted his ice and introduced them both. "agent vincent. the most reliable guy in uvc," vanessa started, glancing at kasper before saying to vincent. "he's like me. they called him morozko."
formalities and purposes aside, vincent told kasper of the apex initiative. deep inside, kasper was scared if uvc will end up like phoenix (not in the sense that vanessa will go rogue again, just that he's scared of losing another family). but seeing vanessa seemed quite comfortable (...quite? a little?), he said okay but in one condition: taking raiya gil with them. 
they followed kasper to the phoenix's basecamp and went silent at the state of raiya. vincent made calls to uvc and returned with an, "okay". they moved raiya to the aircraft and head back to uvc. when they arrived, raiya was immediately taken to the medical wing of uvc. before he followed vincent to be introduced to genevieve, kasper muttered to vanessa,"it wasn't your vault, vo. never was."
IN THE LIFE OF KASPER having being homeschooled till the age of eight almost three decades ago, kasper doesn't really feel school is a place he should be at his age. albeit, being seen as a teenager to the humans, he was forced to go to school.
his grades are mediocre but he's actually smarter than he lets on, especially when it come to science specifically physics--mechanics. it was probably a result of being in santa's factory where santa fix and breaks vehicle and other techs. he can walk out the class with a d on science but sometimes found lingering around uvc's mechanics to solve problems.
kasper sees school as a cover and that's that. oh, he does find fun in joining the football team though, to agent king's opposition. ethan hale asked him if he was interested to join when he caught a stray football at the start of freshmen year. he entered the tryouts and surprisingly passed. he sees it as a strength and power control training and promised he'll step up his grades in exchange. king still strongly opposed though.
vincent wolf, 35
there's this odd yet fitting feel when vincent and kasper stands side by side as they discuss missions. they seem of same-age teammates rather than a supervising agent and a seventeen year old...kid. albeit, as they're just around a few years apart when taking account of kasper's real age, it made sense that kasper treats vincent more like a comrade. vincent is probably the first ever same age person he bonded with after all this time. but while wolf seem to fully trust him, kasper still hesitate to tell wolf of his problems that he sees as personal. 
genevieve king, 33
if anyone fits into the typical cool behaviour of a fríorian, it's agent king. the fríorian refugees mostly behave like king that kasper is unfazed by her. he's quick to translate her snarky remarks to his team members to lighten up the mood sometimes and well, just hoping people get the actual message (unless she actually meant to be mean). jokes aside, if these two were serious, that means the situation is real bad. like real bad.
vanessa vo, 18
having gone through the same experiments the russian scientists had done to vanessa, even for just a short while compared to the girl, kasper knows what it does to her—especially since kasper has a secret psychological side-effect of his own (see trivia!). despite their opposite elements, fire and ice, kasper looks out for her and often times about a certain ethan hale. likewise, vanessa will most likely retort back calling him lover boy or cupid the moment she found his birthday is on valentine's day (if she didn't know then maybe someone from apex or uvc told her). probably to her irritation(?), kasper believes she's not one to blame for the explosion back in arkansas. they might actually be a junior agent wolf and agent king.
raiya alekhin, 25
raiya alekhin was a genius, young biochemist that was brought in by a trusted russian scientist to the facility. they both worked as an undercover agent tasked to give intel to the group of renegades called phoenix.
she watched how the russian scientists conducted experiments and brainwa-shed kasper (at the same time, watched how they abused others, including vanessa). that's when she started to notice, the scientist can't fully brain-wash kasper.
their first close encounter was when kasper was left alone, weakened after a brainwash routine. she approached him but seen as a threat, kasper jumped at her and they fist-brawled for a while until raiya was down (she's had self-defense training in case something goes wrong in her under cover mission).
raiya calmed him down, telling him she was there to help him get out of the hell hole in russian. she repeated the sentence in english afterwards when kasper said, "what?"
since then, they started to discretely get to know each other. kasper first admired her courage to act as a spy, but soon began to feel a little different when she did little acts of warmth that remind him and made him hold to his humane side in the brutal facility. maybe it was to get him to trust her and the group of renegades, but somehow, the foreign feelings just settle itself in his heart.
given how the love story of his parents became, kasper didn't dare to actually admit that he was crushing on her. it was the night before the incident that he finally admit to himself of his feelings.
they talked, for the first time, like normal human beings. ignoring the fact tomorrow they'll start a riot that can cost their lives. "what are you going to do once this is over?" raiya asked.
"try to find my way back home. i guess."
raiya smiled then. "but isn't earth your home, too?"
"right." kasper mirrored her smile. "and you?"
"me? i thought of taking a certain fríorian around the city to see what his human side is missing out."
kasper wasn't sure if the statement was purely casual or she actually suggested them to go out on a date and he never got to ask as she fell into a long slumber.
potrayed by: mackenzie foy
erik jokul, 100+
the father he respects and looks up to. erik never fails to remind him that his powers can do good and they shouldn't be as cold on the inside. younger kasper doesn't understand why erik never wanted to visit dami but now that he knows the feeling of liking a human, he understood. now that they have lost contact, kasper half expect his father to search for him (the other half feels they thought him dead). although, right now, he doesn't want to be found. not until he sees raiya woken up, alive and well.
potrayed by: bradley james.
ethan hale, 18
while at first, football seems like a place where kasper learn strength control and become more of a...human, he learns team building and is sort of grateful that ethan persuaded him to actually join the team. kasper's quite close to him compared to the other teammates and it's obvious that ethan is pining for vanessa.
kas had it confirmed when ethan eyes never left vanessa's form (and vice versa) one day when she and kas had a secret talk about a mission before his football practice. the scene that engulf next was similar to this (probably a different conversation but that's the whole vibe ;)).
potrayed by: shawn mendes
arthur dolan, 17
being put as a freshmen (9th grade) by uvc (since he looked 15 or 16 then) and had a distinct accent, kasper didn't really expect nor did he attempt on making friends. but arthur—or arty, as he told kas to call him—popped by his locker and self-appointed himself as kas' guide around the school and probably because they hail from the same country, the uk. fast forward to now, the two became quite close and is always seen together. arty is part of the robotics club in which he tried to recruit kas before kas joined football. although kas often stops by because he's unofficially a member who's opinions mattered in improving the robots. ;u;
arty is much more talkative than kasper and the only time he's not talking is when he eats. since he actually sleep-talks when he..sleeps.
potrayed by: thomas brodie-sangster
kira cutler, 17
the other friend he's gotten close to ever since freshmen year. kira is literally arty's counterpart as they function very well together in terms of getting ideas for innova-tions in their robotics club. she's a no non-sense chick and a genius (kinda remind kasper of raiya). oh, she might have a teensy weeny bitty crush on kasper.
(she's basically shuri in black panther ;u;)
potrayed by: letitia wright
name, age
potrayed by: ?
"jack frost?"
"that's my dad."
"santa claus?"
"seriously? takenalso, erase that imagination of me running around saving the world in red, laughing ho-ho-ho."
vincent and kasper
ALIAS kaine + honestly just a play of his name, then he found that kaine in gaelic means tribute and it sounds so fitting with his purpose of doing good in place of the people he's lost and those he has wronged, thus, he decided.
SPECIES human and fríorian hybrid
CRYOKINESIS kasper possesses the ability to manipulate and generate both cold and ice from his body. he used this ability to freeze various things as well as project ice from his hands. the ice he generates can be brittle like glass or hard like stone. he can also shoot freezing cold, coolant-like gas or aura from his body that can cause ice to form on whatever it comes into contact with it. with his power over cold, he can reduce temperature to freezing points.
01 kasper is able to withstand really low temperatures because of his power and because he, first and foremost, is part fríorian.
02 from constructing shields, making weapons and copying shapes, kasper is a pretty much flexible asset depending on the mission. he can switch from defense to offense quick and doesn't really run out of...ammo. 
01 cryokinetic construction of huge things (eg. thick wall of ice, slides, platforms etc) require him to first accumulate strength, the bigger the construction, the bigger the need of strength kasper needs. it will also take an amount of time and concentration if the area he needs to cover is quite large. like vanessa though, emotions let kasper conjure with ease (or take it out of control).
02 extreme force can break his ice. if he wants to, kasper can turn his own limbs to ice. but as his ice can break, he doesn't dare to.
03 extreme heat can melt his ice and if he's exposed to it for a quite amount of time, can weakened him. he can only withstand five seconds being surrounded in fire.
note: kasper's power is a little more magic than science. and as he's still young according to a fríorian, his powers aren't fully developed and under control. and of course, he hasn't received his huntsman's crystal (similar to casket of ancient winters). refer to x-men's iceman, dc's killer frost and ice queen.
HAND-TO-HAND kasper trained hand-to-hand combat with his father as to control the usage of his power in order to not rely on his limiter anymore. after years of training, he's got a little too good at it but his control over his powers still needed improvement.
ENHANCED DURABILITY due to kasper's heritage, he holds a considerable amount of superhuman durability and endurance. he, as mentioned above, can withstand really low temperatures and is able to survive nume-rous blows and injuries, quickly recovering. but of course, if it's against fire or high heat, his durability abilities are lowered and it'll take a little more time to recover.
ENHANCED STRENGTH he's not as strong as a pure breed fríorian but he is stronger than average human beings.
SUPERSUIT kasper who isn't a fan of flashy suits or over-the-top flair, prefers simple uniforms when on field. he wears a lightweight tactical suit that's quite a tight fit on his lean body (kinda like this suit, similar to hawkeye's and winter soldier's uniform). the suit is a much darker navy blue with silver linings. he wears a half-face mask to hide his identity. the suit is resistant to small arms fire and heat to some degree as they wouldn't want him to easily catch fire.
RECRUITMENT as mentioned in the background, vanessa and agent wolf found him lingering around the facility vanessa burnt. after threatening wolf who had taken vanessa months ago after the explosion and fixed the misunderstanding, wolf recruited him. kasper agreed on condition they take the comatose raiya with them.
01 he's like the glue in the team. someone that keeps the band of incredible misfits together. with his strategic thinking, he made sure everyone is doing what they doing and in their own abilities. under his watch, no one is left out or forced to do beyond their capability. 
02 true to his nature as a protector, kasper make sure s or civilians doesn't get hurt. he builds ice walls as a shield or anything that can buy time for the apex member to recover and civilians to get to safety. although, like mentioned above, he can also be put on the team's line of offense if needed. he uses his powers similar like this (although not as brutal) or imitating other weapons or simply freezes their enemies.
03 tba
a dangerous being. can quickly freeze surroun-dings when provoked. approach with caution.
translated from a copy of the facility's docu-ment in phoenix basecamp.
01 uses his mother's maiden name as his last name to remember her. in fríoria, he's still considered a jokul.
02 when he learned the reason behind why they left his mother, he paid her a week (sometimes more) visit once in two months until she died of a car crash at age 40.
03 can drive a four-wheeled vehicle and motorcycle since he drove a similar vehicle in north pole.
04 kasper goes to school by an old, motorcycle he found lying around in apex's storage. he fixed it and modified it to his taste. it's also his preferred vehicle when going anywhere.
05 has a habit of smirking rather than full on smiling.
caution! can cau-se a heart attack.
according to girls of edge-wood high, year 2
06 in terms of popularity, he's the type that's quietly fawned over rather than squealed at whenever he walks in the room.
07 as mentioned, he's in edgewood's football team as a wide receiver.
08 apex members' instant cooler, ac or ice machine. they jokingly said that there's no better use for his powers other than the reason above. kas beg to differ.
09 he's really restless in summer and is often found in the swimming pool. if he's alone, he'll constantly let out a (literally) cool aura. the apex members stick around him on hotter days. 
10 he visits raiya at times but try hard not get caught by vanessa as he doesn't want to trigger guilt in her.
11 due to attempts of brainwash by the russian scientists and missions he was forced to carry, kasper would often have nightmares and at times he'd wake up with his bed or anything near him frozen.
12 calls the members or others by their last names. he calls vanessa, "vo" and it'll be the same with the rest.
13 he describe fríoria as cold and dangerous but also beautiful and warm even for the short moment he was there.
14 tba
DURATION:10 minutes
LOCATION: UVC Headquarters









tight fit or loose fit?
tight fit seems much more convenient.

cape or no cape?
quoting (finger quotation marks) edna mode,"no capes".

be a superhero or secret agent?
it depends on the purpose. if you asked me to be a secret agent, i will. but...i'm not a fan of being in the spotlight that much.

power to fly or read minds?
as much as reading minds would be so helpful, chances are i might read the minds of people close to me. that's invasion of privacy. (lets a thin smile) so, power to fly it is then.

agent wolf or agent king?
(rubbed the back of his neck) they're both valuable, you know? but...if this is for a mission, i'd go with agent king.

finish your final test or save harlem from a rampaging monster?
school really isn't first priority for me so consider harlem saved.

you see your bus about to leave and an old lady that needs help crossing the street, what's your move?
help the old lady. i don't use a bus.


i love nick robinson. period.
there might some incon-sistency of the planet's name because i changed it a few times ;u; so pardon me. plus, sorry with the long read :") and sht load of info..
idk why but i was really fixated on making a character that can control ice (biochem genius is the other but that popped up just a few weeks before deadline ;^;). cold outside, warm inside might be quite cliche but to me, those who control cold is still often potrayed as evil so...here's an another bobby drake uwu 
he's also inspired by capt/steve only more flawed? because steve rogers is perfect. hahah
oh, and sorry for this tiny comment box outside...i didn't want to mess up the layout anymore ;;
a really detailed blog about frioria might be revealed later on if you need it.
*in no particular order
- raiya waking up!
- kas and vanessa heart to heart. because some-how i oddly feel like kasper will most likely tell her about the nightmares first
- kas had a blackout?
- tba
1st monster - paramore
2nd decode - paramore


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just so you know, the power compatibility between my girl, brinley, and kas is so high i can already imagine funny and also cool action scenes between the two ; u ;
bro.... this is actually gorgeous.

also, i love the concept of a walking cooler... iconic?
Wow this app looks gorgeous!!
peakachu #5
oWo this nice >:o