Asylum V Ward 13 and Twins

I am writing this to all my lovely subscribers of Asylum V: Ward 13 and Twins. Thank you for all your suporrt while I started my writing journy. It truely means the world to me that people kept up with both of these stories and supported me as much as they did.

That being said, I took down Asylum V Ward 13 and Twins because some of the things that I wrote about I now realize were not things to be written about and I do not want them to be promoted, read, etc. If you really liked those stories, I'm sorry. I should have taken them down differently or with a warning, but I just did it in the moment. I just couldn't leave them up with things I now strongly disagree with after growing as a person. I simply cannot condone it.

The rest of the stories (as cringy as they are) will proboly stay uploaded and any incomplete stories will most likely stay that way.. I also will be leaving the rest of this accornt the same pretty much inactive. I check for comments every once in a while but I will not be updating any stories on here anymore as far as I can tell. 

My personal issues often times gets me not to write how or as much as I want to, but if there are any subscribers that like my writing and have an AO3 account, I do post on there under the name Shotzee. It's not regular or really any series, but I'm still trying to write so I dont loose the skill. 

Again Thank you guys so much for the support and I hope you find some other writers you love. (I suggest checking out my fave inkin_brushes who wrote Imortals, Incardine, and Shadow by my Side on AO3 especially if you liked Asylum V: Ward 13. Shes a magnificent writer with amazing VIXX stories.) I'll check comments on this blog post and answer any questions any one has.

Thank you.


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